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Dear God, Here is a list of just some of the things I must remember to be a good dog:
1. I will not eat the cat's food before he eats it or after he throws it up.
2. I will not roll on dead seagulls, fish, crabs, etc., just because I like the way they smell.
3. The litter box is not a cookie jar.
4. The sofa is not a 'face towel'.
5. The garbage collector is not stealing our stuff.
6. I will not play tug-of-war with dad's underwear when he's on the toilet.
7. Sticking my nose into someone's crotch is an unacceptable way of saying 'hello'.
8. I don't need to suddenly stand straight up when I'm under the coffee table.
9. I must shake the rainwater out of my fur before entering the house - not after.
10. I will not come in from outside, and immediately drag my butt across the carpet.
11. I will not sit in the middle of the living room, and lick my crotch.
12. The cat is not a 'squeaky toy', so when I play with him and he makes that noise, it's usually not a good thing.
P.S. Dear God, when I get to Heaven, will I still be neutered?
I See You - Adorable!
Cats (and sometimes dogs) love to hide from us and watch us, thinking we can't possibly detect their little faces staring at us from their super secret place. But sometimes we do, and it's always hilarious seeing their little serious faces watching u
Hilarious: Cats are Some of the Funniest Creatures
Prepare for a foray into the delightful absurdity of living with cats.
Animal Joke: The Cat, the Dog and the Parakeet!
This joke begins with a dog, a parakeet and a cat ascending to heaven.
Joke: Why We Age the Way We Do
On the first day, God created the dog and said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark...
Cats Have An Innate Ability to Be Really Naughty..
If you have a cat, you know that they can be partial to behaving like jerks sometimes. This is especially true in the 19 hilarious photos you're about to see.
These Hilarious Comics Are Exactly What We All Need Today
Add a dose of humor to your day with these hilarious single-frame comics by cartoonist Mark Parisi.
These Funny Bumper Stickers Will Make You Look Twice
Which of these funny bumper stickers would you like to use?
15 Unfortunate Home Renovations That Went SO Disastrously
All it takes is a few seemingly small planning errors to end up with some truly bewildering and bizarre construction calamities
These Funny Illustrations Show What Life Is Like With Kids!
Jim Benton is a cartoonist and illustrator who has managed to capture life with young kids perfectly. Take a look at his hilarious drawings.
Funny Signs: 14 Hilariously Awkward Attempts at Humor
These hilarious sign fails will leave you in stitches.
Quirky Shop Signs That’ll Leave You Smiling
These shop signs prove that many shopkeepers still have a healthy sense of humor!
These Punny Illustrations Will Give You a Good Chuckle
Enjoy this collection of illustrated puns by artist Teo Zirinis.
Food for Thought (and Laughter): 15 Hilarious Quotes
These silly and goofy quotes will make every foodie laugh.
These Unintentionally Funny Signs Are Comedy Gold
These sign fails are comedy gold you didn’t expect.
This Magician Pulls Off the Most Insane Tricks
Forget about pulling rabbits out of hats, this magician pulls off the most insane tricks.
South America is a One-of-a-Kind Place: 17 Hilarious Pics!
South America is a one-of-a-kind place!
This Is One of the Most Shocking Pranks I've Ever Seen...
Watch in horror as three young girls convince some passers-by to get them a bottle of water, which actually turns out to be tequila! What an epic prank!
HILARIOUS: 15 Times People Failed the Only Job They Had
The most hilarious examples of hilarious work fails.
Are These the Worst Drivers Ever? These 14 Pics Say Yes
These people should NEVER be behind the wheel!
20 Clever Words for Clever People To Laugh Over...
Have you heard of these words? No?? How come?
20 Comics That Show What Goes On Inside the Mind of a Dog
These comics by artist Rupert Fawcett perfectly illustrate what life with dogs is like.
Signs That Aren't Meant to Be Translated Except For Laughs!
These brilliant signs presumably have more accurate meanings when read in their own language, but in English, they're just hilarious!
I Was in a Bad Mood Until I Saw These Signs - 15 Pics
It’s time for a hilariously new collection of funny signs.
FUNNY: Grandparents Being Hilarious Without Even Trying
These priceless grandparent moments will make your day.
Only in Russia: 10 Hilarious Cars Transformed into Tanks
There is a new hilarious trend in Russia - turning your own car into a tank! Click here to see these funny creations!
These Hilarious Tweets Show What Marriage Is REALLY Like...
These Tweets from newly-married men take away all the glamour and mystery from marriage, however their spin on things is nothing short of hilarious.
HILARIOUS: Architecture Fails That Make You Say "Huh?"
These architecture fails are downright embarrassing.
You Simply Must See These 15 Hilarious Translation Fails!
Check out these 15 different translation fails which are bound to make you scream with laughter!
Hilarious: Never Leave a Baby Alone With Dada!
These funny short clips show us what happens when you leave daddy alone with the baby.
Hilarious: A Most Unusual Sermon!
Rowan Atkinson, the famous comedian, gives a sermon the likes of which you've never heard...
The Best Husbands Have the Best Sense of Humor!
Married women will be able to related to these. You ask your husband to do one simply thing, and they take it as an excuse to goof off. See 10 hilarious pics.
16 Intensely Funny Signs Spotted In the Wild
These 16 unintentionally funny signs are guaranteed to make you hoot with laughter!
17 Unforgettable Oddities Found Only in Russia
17 hilarious photos you'd only expect to see in Russia.
Classic Comedy: Mrs. Brown's Having a VERY Weird Day...
Mrs. Brown will give you a big grin with another hilarious scene.
These Hilarious Drawings are All About Punny Time
A great collection of illustrated visual puns that will make you smile, giggle and laugh.
I Can't Stop Laughing at These Well-Timed Photos
When a photographer is in the right place at the right time, the results can be incredibly hilarious!
These Cartoons Will Make You Laugh and Think...
This artist has an incredible knack for capturing the ironies and paradoxes arising from the use of technology in the modern world. View his illustrations here.
Hilarious: 15 Witty Bar and Restaurant Signs
These bars and restaurants deserve a visit just for their funny signs.
Do You Need These Weird Toys? No, But They’re Here Anyway
Shopping can be extremely boring, unless you stumble upon one of these ridiculous items on your next trip to the store...
These Funny Photos Prove Japan is a Different Place...
The Japanese people are probably the funniest in the world ... well certainly the most eccentric. Here 15 photos will prove it to you.
Some People REALLY Don’t Care About Safety - 15 Funny Pics!
Some of these bizarre work safety fails will give you anxiety!
Had a Bad Day? It Can Always Be Worse!
Forget about the bad day you think you're having - these poor folks got themselves into some serious fixes. Take a look at these hilarious photos.
Hilarious: Time to Laugh at Some Fresh Cartoons!
Forget everything today and just enjoy these hilarious one-panel comics by Mark Lynch.