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How Are Such Bad Designs Even Possible? - 12 Photos

Some designs are so flawed all you can think when you see them is “what is this even good for?” Well, we’re here to remind you that bad designs serve a very important purpose - making us laugh. So get ready, because we have collected 12 design fails that are so strange or impractical, that scrolling through them with a straight face is going to be quite a difficult mission. 

1. The wrapping of this sliced cheese makes it look like it has mold spots
Bad designs, moldy cheese

2. The benches are tilted and have no drainage system, so the water just sits there for days after a rainstorm
Bad designs wet bench

3. Well, this lollipop is sure to leave a strange taste in your mouth...Bad designs soap lollipop

Related: Seemingly Small Errors With Absolutely Disastrous Results

4. Maybe showing a character who was poisoned by an apple on a bag of apples wasn't the best ideaBad designs snow white on bag of apples

5. "The two windows at my work are always fighting for the honor of being opened."Bad designs windows

6. No cyclist is passing through those barriers!Bad designs barriers

7. The raised cutout of this ceiling doesn’t allow the fan to suck in any airBad designs ceiling fan

Related: 17 Hilarious Building Design Fails You’ll Want to See!

8. “My parent’s bathroom is on a platform next to an angled ceiling so you hit your head every time, and it has a telephone.”Bad designs bathroom with phone

Related: Bathroom Designs so Bad They're Hilarious

9. You'll have to guess how much toilet paper you will need in advance.Bad designs bathroom

10. This water bottle has markings to show you how much liquid is in it, but you can’t see through the bottle.Bad designs water bottle

11. When the security door can also be used as a ladder...Bad designs security door

12. Is is a door? No. Is it a window? Also no!Bad designs window

Source of images: Reddit

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