Typically, the kind of people who get vanity license plates are… how shall we put it gently? Abrasive. Extravagant. Not the kind of people you’d like to have as friends. Still, every now and then, you’ll find a custom plate that surprises you or makes you smile. Here are some of the most unique, creative and funny custom license plates:
1. We all have excuses for cutting people off, bub
Aren’t we all?!
2. In case you weren’t aware
3. Coming through!
4. If there was one word to sum up Canada
The most Canadian licence plate I've ever seen.
5. Too Appropriate
Very appropriate license plate.
6. At least he’s being polite about it
Got cut off today, wasn't even mad.
7. Unlike this guy, who likes rubbing it in
This car cut me off. I was mad until I looked at their license plate.
8. Vehicle AI is making leaps and bounds: they’re becoming self-aware!
License plate self awareness
9. You don’t say
10. For those traffic-heavy mornings
The lip on that one...
11. This beetle
This is the best license plate I’ve seen yet
12. Bonus: Google “askew”
This license plate both reads and is positioned askew.
13. Why get a new one, when you can get a vanity plate?
No Bumper
14. Hanging a braid of garlic from the rearview mirror will keep this one away
Tops my interesting license plate list
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Cat Behavior Is Not Always Easy to Understand! Hilarious!
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Can You Watch This Entire Video Without Laughing?
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Add Some Humor to Your Day With These One-Frame Funnies!
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