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HILARIOUS: These Signs Will Make You Scratch Your Head

Signs are meant to inform and guide us, or simply catch our eye, but sometimes they do just the opposite. It takes only a misplaced comma, a poorly chosen word, or an unexpected twist to transform a simple message into a source of amusement, confusion, or even mild outrage.

These hilarious and weird sign fails are more common than you might think. They pop up in the most unexpected places and can leave you scratching your head or laughing out loud. We've gathered 14 of the funniest and weirdest sign fails that are sure to make you chuckle all day. Scroll down for some laughs!

Related: HILARIOUS: 14 Silly Signs That'll Make Your Day

1. What?!

Funny Signs,

2. There's a lot going on here clearly

Funny Signs,

3. That's a little extreme!

Funny Signs,

4. I would like some of these 'pzzias' too

Funny Signs,

5. What's a 'delp'?

Funny Signs,

6. Never heard of this store

Funny Signs,

7. I am confused

Funny Signs,

8. That doesn't make sense

Funny Signs,

9. A "private event"?

Funny Signs,

10. That's sad...

Funny Signs,

11. Oh, absolutely not!

Funny Signs,

12. So we can order bees? Cool!

Funny Signs,

13. Hi!

Funny Signs,

14. Were you debit cards before this?

Funny Signs,
All images: Acid Cow
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