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Hilarious Pics With Santa to Put You in a Jolly Mood

Almost all malls during the festive season have selected people putting on the red velvet suit and playing the role of Father Christmas, much to the delight of kids and their families. Posing with Santa Claus at the mall is a ritual that most of us enjoy around Christmas time. Itโ€™s a great fun activity that families regularly indulge in the days leading to Christmas. Letting your little kid sit on Santaโ€™s lap and capturing their precious expressions on the camera are moments that stay with you for long.

These moments of posing with Santa can also turn out to be quite hilarious at times, as you will see in the pictures below.

#1."So what if he's not a reindeer? He's my Rudolph this Christmas."
Santa at the Mall
#2 When you say a bad word in front of SantaSanta at the Mall
#3. "Why is he wearing the same outfit as me?"
Santa at the Mall
Source: shoota60
#4. "He's been my Santa for 10 years!"
Santa at the Mall
Source: GL_Prods_DIE
#5. "I think he's older than me."
Santa at the Mall
Source: MichaelDerp
#6. You really shouldn't mess with Santa!
Santa at the Mall
Source: BakingBatman
#7. "What?! You mean I am not getting my Christmas gifts today?!"
Santa at the Mall
Source: Ashyvegy
#8. "Only I will get to pose with Santa." Santa at the Mall
#9. "No, wait! There are enough gifts for you too."
Santa at the Mall
Source: mrsktpierce
#10. "You mean, this is the real Santa Claus behind me?"Santa at the Mall
#11. Sometimes, Santa needs to chill, too.
Santa at the Mall
Source: doktorseuss
#12."Yes, I don't mind having a pooch." "Oh, wait!"
Santa at the Mall
Source: hackmebaby
#13. "Shh! Don't wake them up. They finished their Christmas bedtime story."
Santa at the Mall
14. When Conan O'Brien got to meet Santa.
Santa at the Mall
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