Harry Bliss, a world-renowned cartoonist from The New Yorker, has proven that humor can be portrayed in a single image with his "Bliss" comics. His comics have been a regular feature in the magazine for decades, presenting witty observations and sharp social commentary in a single frame. You are about to be amused, entertained, and maybe even groan (in a good way) as we explore the brilliant and occasionally bizarre world of Harry Bliss's one-panel wonders! Grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and prepare to be tickled pink by the hilarious simplicity of these humorous comics.
Related: These Funny Cartoons Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile
Laugh Out Loud with These 21 Minimalist Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by cartoonist Jason Adam Katzenstein.
Need a Giggle? These 18 Cartoons Have You Covered!
Get ready for some hearty laughs with these hilarious comics by legendary cartoonist Mark Parisi.
Hilarious: Time to Laugh at Some Fresh Cartoons!
Forget everything today and just enjoy these hilarious one-panel comics by Mark Lynch.
HILARIOUS - 15 Witty Comics About Everyday Objects
Time for another hilarious collection of single-panel comics.
Laughter is Just a Click Away...(18 One-Frame Funnies)
Add some laughter to your week with these hilarious horror-themed comics by the legendary Mark Parisi.
18 Cat Cartoons That Will Brighten Your Day!
Enjoy a new collection of cat comics by cartoonist Mark Parisi.
Hilarious: This Just May Be Why Building Codes Exist...
20 examples of the worst construction flaws, that will hopefully remind you to hire a professional next time.
These Single-Frame Cartoons are Hilarious Fun
Laugh out loud with the hilarious one-frame comics of Mat Barton.
Funny Pranks: The Ultimate Collection of Halloween Scares!
It's that time of the year again where we invite you to enjoy a hilarious collection of Halloween pranks.
Read These Funny Night Quotes for Chuckles Before Bedtime
Read these funny night quotes for chuckles before bedtime.
11 Hilariously Bad Reviews of Famous Sights Illustrated
These hilarious travel posters illustrate the worst and funniest reviews of famous travel destinations.
These Photos Will Leave You Doing a Double-Take!
There are some photos that will just leave you doing a double-take thanks to their perfect timing and odd composition. Take a look at these 18 surreal photos.
The 1900s Had Some BIZARRE Predictions About Today...
These wild predictions about the future were way off.
20 Hysterical Photos Taken in the Perfect Time and Place!
All 20 of the photos we’re about to show were taken just in time to create the most hilarious effect imaginable!
The Most Hilarious Way of Learning to Play an Instrument!
Part comedy, part musical lesson, you'll laugh yourself silly with this video.
Hilarious Tweets: Some of the Funniest Tweets of the Decade!
Twitter can truly hilarious to use thanks to the contribution of some of its more prominent users. Here are 18 hilarious Tweets with unexpected ends.
16 Hilarious Panorama Fails That Are So Bad They're Good
Sometimes panoramic photos can turn out to be hilariously bad.
15 Funny Signs That Are Unintentionally HILARIOUS
These signs had the right intentions, but something went terribly wrong…
Tired of Inspiration Quotes? Try These Funny Posters
Enough of motivational quotes! Now, try some of these funny “demotivational” posters.
Sometimes, All We Need is Some Silly and Funny Comics!
Laugh out loud with these hilarious single-panel comics by cartoonist Dave Coverly.
Comedy Classics: Christmas Shopping With Mr. Bean
This Christmas, let’s go shopping with Mr. Bean.
When Funny Signs Meet Epic Fails, Hilarity Ensues...
These funny signs, tags, and maps show just how much the people responsible for creating them had failed, and it's absolutely hilarious!
Living Forever? These People Are Betting on It
For some people, achieving their goals has precedence over everything else, up to and including their own safety. Take a look at these 24 outrageous pictures.
So Funny: Have You Ever Seen Christmas Trees Like THESE?
These are the most unusual Xmas trees you have ever seen!
Ladies, the Last Laugh Is Reserved Entirely for You!
These simple truths will comfort all you long-suffering women out there...
WARNING: These Signs Will Make You Howl with Laughter
Here, we present to you the best and funniest signs we've seen so far this year, enjoy!
These Cat Models Are Simply Hilarious!
These cats have chosen a modelling as their full-time careers...
Hilarious: Some Guys REALLY Think Outside the Box...
Here are some of my favorite examples of male creativity at work.
Funny: These Kids' Christmas Letters Will Make You Chuckle!
Kids are known for speaking their mind, and are extremely forthright when it comes to making requests. Here are some funny and cute Santa letters from kids.
Classic Comedy: The Miracle of Birth!
This sketch puts a very funny light on the process of hospital birth. Thank goodness it isn't like this in real life... or is it?
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
Classic Comedy: The Grammar Nazi
This comedy sketch begins with a standard business meeting, but the boss has a real problem with people's language...
These Funny Animals Will Make Your Day!
Share this video with anyone you loves funny and fun animals.
Almost Nailed It - 15 Small Yet Spectacular Failures
Some designs or products could have been perfectly useful or practical if it weren't for one mistake that rendered the whole thing an epic failure...
14 “Genius” DIY Fixes That Get the Job Done—Almost!
Some people come up with the most creative solutions for their everyday problems.
This Has Got to be the World's Funniest Orchestra!
This orchestra not only provides you with great music, but great laughs as well.
Captured Irony: 17 Photos That Will Make You Laugh
The amusing pictures below showcase 17 ironic situations that seem impossible!
15 Times People Failed at Math So Bad Everyone Groaned!
Math isn’t for everyone, and these people have proved it.
Classic Comedy: Patience is a Virtue... or IS IT?
When this man was walking down the street, something caught his eyes...
Naughty Babies Are the Funniest Babies...
This compilation video of naughty baby is just the pick me up you need today!
Can't Help But Laugh: Awful Puns Ahead
All you need to smile today is this collection of hilarious animal jokes and puns.
Are These the Worst Drivers Ever? These 14 Pics Say Yes
These people should NEVER be behind the wheel!