Harry Bliss, a world-renowned cartoonist from The New Yorker, has proven that humor can be portrayed in a single image with his "Bliss" comics. His comics have been a regular feature in the magazine for decades, presenting witty observations and sharp social commentary in a single frame. You are about to be amused, entertained, and maybe even groan (in a good way) as we explore the brilliant and occasionally bizarre world of Harry Bliss's one-panel wonders! Grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and prepare to be tickled pink by the hilarious simplicity of these humorous comics.
Related: These Funny Cartoons Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile
16 Clever One-Panel Comics That'll Crack You Up!
Check out these humorous one-panel comics by cartoonist Jeff Swenson.
Hilarious: Time to Laugh at Some Fresh Cartoons!
Forget everything today and just enjoy these hilarious one-panel comics by Mark Lynch.
18 Hilarious Comics About The Everyday Adventures of Dogs
Enjoy these hilarious single-panel dog comics by artist Anthony Smith.
Laugh Out Loud with These 21 Minimalist Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by cartoonist Jason Adam Katzenstein.
Funny Comics: You’ll Never Look at Food the Same Again
Enjoy these hilarious new one-frame comics by the legendary Nate Fakes.
22 One-Panel Comics That Sum Up Our Feline Friends
Get ready for a hearty dose of feline humor in these hilarious one-panel comics by artist Scott Metzger.
Ahoy There! Hilarious Boat Names That Set Sail on Laughter
Enjoy this hilarious collection of hilariously punny boat names.
Kitchens Aren’t Supposed to Be Like This! Are They?!
Why would you design your kitchen like this?
The Funniest Videos are Shot Right at Home!
These hilarious videos are all winners of the Funniest Home Videos Awards!
Classic Comedy: Lucy Goes to Work at a Chocolate Factory
What happens when Lucy and Ethel go to work at a factory?
Hysterical - Wild Animals Being Real Comedians!
Who said all wildlife photos had to be majestic and serious? You have to see these 18 hysterical wildlife moments!
Hilarious: This is Why They Call Them "The Golden Years"!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. Here are 37 funny pictures of seniors who decided to enjoy life to the fullest and not let concepts like “polite” and “decent” stop them!
Stand-up Comedy: What Men Really Think of Their Marriage
Marriage is certainly a blessing we all appreciate. But that doesn't mean we can't have a good laugh about it! This portrayal is cynical, but deadly funny!
20 Weird Pictures of Things That Happen Only In India
Things are a little different in India...
Classic Comedy: Russ Abbot's Masterbrain Can't Miss!
A hilarious sketch from the mind of Russ Abbott: Mastermind can't lose!
Horse is Convinced This Man Is Her Father - Cute & Funny!
Reyhan the horse is mesmerized by a particular characteristic of the man who rescued her - his bald head!
Hilarious! These Dogs Actually Think They're Cats
15 photos of dogs who think they're cats. These are bound to make you laugh.
When You Try to Translate, But Fail Hilariously!
More and more businesses around the world try to appeal to English-speaking customers, leading to sometimes hilarious translation fails.
These Husband-and-Wife Pranks Are Too Funny Not to Share...
Here are 20 of the funniest things that husbands and boyfriends have done to surprise their significant others.
Irony at Its Peak: 20 Perfectly Timed Funny Pics
These ironic photos will have you laughing hard.
Laugh Out Loud at These 15 Hilarious Bumper Stickers
Laugh out loud at these hilarious bumper stickers.
Hilarious Tweets: Some of the Funniest Tweets of the Decade!
Twitter can truly hilarious to use thanks to the contribution of some of its more prominent users. Here are 18 hilarious Tweets with unexpected ends.
The Humor of Einstein: Hilarious Quotes You've Never Heard
These quotes prove Albert Einstein had a funny side too.
14 Fun Animal Photos Snapped at the Perfect Time
These are some of the funniest and most well-timed animal photos we’ve ever seen!
This Prank Starts With a Remote Controlled Car...
This prank starts with a remote controlled car and an old man in on the prank!
25 Pictures that Prove Photographers are Crazy!
Some people are willing to go above and beyond what is needed (or safe) in order to take the perfect photo...
These FUNNY Spring Jokes Will Blossom Your Mood!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of spring jokes and puns.
Nature’s Funniest Moments: Comedy Wildlife 2024!
Check out the hilarious finalists of the 2024 Nikon Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.
Hold My Ladder: Hilarious Safety Pics
These people really don't believe in following any safety measures whatsoever!
Some Languages Are Humorous, But English Is Hilarious!
If you're a sucker for a good, honest, rib-tickling pun, we've got more than 20 of them here for you to giggle away at!
Celebrate the 4th of July with These Howlarious Gags!
Celebrate the 4th of July with this hilarious prank collection.
Funny Photos: You Had One Job!
These ridiculously funny work fail pictures will have you laughing all day.
Every Man Should Learn from These Ridiculous DIY Fails
Why is it that men don't live as long as women? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that men aren't very careful when it comes to health and safety...
20 Hysterical Photos Taken in the Perfect Time and Place!
All 20 of the photos we’re about to show were taken just in time to create the most hilarious effect imaginable!
"Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!” - A Rib-Tickling Three Stooges Clip
Watch this rib-tickling clip from a classic The Three Stooges short.
These Funny Bird Pictures Will Make You Laugh
We wanted to make you laugh with these crazy bird photos.
Add Some Humor to Your Day With These One-Frame Funnies!
Enjoy these funny and cute single panel comics by artist Maria Scrivan.
Prank: What's the Boss Doing with That Gorgeous Blonde?
With the boss's wife coming and about to catch him in a compromising position, these unsuspecting members of the public don't know what to do.
Can You Keep a Straight Face Reading These Quotes?
Share these funny thoughts with your closest friends and brighten up their day too.
12 Sarcastic Gems from Famous Philosophers
These philosophers had a surprising sense of humor.
Laugh Out Loud with These 21 Minimalist Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by cartoonist Jason Adam Katzenstein.
Here's One Prank That's a Woman's Worst Nightmare!
Watch in horror as the Just For Laughs team pretends to rip a woman's nail off during a fake manicure session!
Prank-A-Thon: The Funniest "Ouch!" Pranks
These are the best of ouch pranks for 2019 in one compilation video.