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FUNNY: You Won’t Believe How Badly These Jobs Were Done!

Ever had one of those days where motivation just vanishes? You’re not alone! We all encounter moments when tasks feel so tedious that the thought of completing them is too much to bear. But then, there are some people who take the art of "phoning it in" to a whole new level.

When you see the results of these 16 spectacular job fails, it’s hard to believe that the simplest tasks could go so hilariously wrong. Whether it’s a humorously installed sign or a poorly designed product, these funny mistakes are the result of people who clearly weren’t paying attention.

Related: That Did NOT Go According to Plan! Hilariously Weird Fails

1. Someone made an oopsie

Job fails,

2. We're proud of you

Job fails,

3. Good question

Job fails,

4. Not the best design, I think

Job fails,

5. So you better not mess with our sign

Job fails,

6. Say what?

Job fails,

7. That's a win

Job fails,

8. What the heck were they even trying to say?

Job fails,

9. Someone solve this for us, please

Job fails,

10. Don't think it will do the job

Job fails,

11. It’s the best deal of the year... You get 0% off

Job fails,

12. Yeah, I'm never getting on that

Job fails,

13. Just don’t eat it on any Monday

Job fails,

14. Understandable

Job fails,

15. I think they meant the date

Job fails,

16. Well, at least they put up the fence

Job fails,
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