Driving requires skill, patience, and a little common sense. Unfortunately, not everyone got the memo. Some drivers treat parking lines as a vague suggestion, while others seem to have abandoned logic altogether. This collection is all about those drivers who looked at the painted lines and decided they were optional. Sure, sometimes bad luck strikes, like parking under a tree full of birds or in a storm’s path. But these folks? They’re on another level. Here are 14 photos of parking fails so bad, they’re almost impressive. Check them out.
Related: We Can’t Believe These Parking Fails Are Real (14 Pics)
These Ridiculous Cars Will Make You Do a Double-Take
These ridiculous cars will make you double-take.
FUNNY PICS: It’s Only Dumb If It Doesn’t Work
People prove you can fix anything with duct tape and hope!
16 Hilarious Doormats That Guests Won’t Forget
These unique, amusing, and just plain charming doormats will have you laughing all day.
These Hilarious Comics Are All About Words Colliding
Ready for a chuckle? Enjoy these pun-tastic homophone comics.
We Need a Bigger Car! The Funniest Car Overload Fails
These cars hauling weird stuff will make you laugh.
The Funniest Vehicle Hauls I've Ever Seen...
These vehicles are taking on a little more than they can manage.
These Wholesome Comics Will Make You Feel Cozy Inside
Enjoy these wholesome animal comics by artist Tiff Zhang.
The Classic Comedy of Rowan Atkinson: A Full Performance!
The comedy of Rowan Atkinson like you've never seen him before - a full performance!
These Terribly Designed Homes are Sure to Make You Giggle!
If these hilarious design fails taught me anything it’s to always measure and consult professionals before renovating my home on my own!
Some Languages Are Humorous, But English Is Hilarious!
If you're a sucker for a good, honest, rib-tickling pun, we've got more than 20 of them here for you to giggle away at!
When Signs Go Wrong and End Up Being Too Funny
These unintentionally funny signs prove not all messages go as planned.
Hilariously Funny DIY Fixes (16 Pics)
These hilarious pictures show some of the most unique DIY botch-jobs.
Eek! Remember When Chaplin Got Trapped in the Lion's Cage?
This classic scene has me rolling around the floor every time...
Hilarious: The Wackiest Car Designs I've Ever Seen...
These car owners sure know how to make their vehicles stand out on the streets.
Hilarious These Silly Signs Made Me Laugh!
19 funny signs that were written on purpose to be hilarious and witty.
Laugh Out Loud with These 21 Minimalist Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by cartoonist Jason Adam Katzenstein.
15 Translation Fails That Are Too Funny Not To Share
Get set for a collection of signs that took a wrong turn somewhere between languages.
180 Knock Knock Jokes to Crack You Up!
Whether they like to admit it or not, deep down everyone gets a certain amount of amusement out of a well-crafted knock knock joke. Here are 180 for you!
LOL: 14 Dad Jokes & Puns to Make You Cringe
These terrible dad jokes are guaranteed to make you secretly chuckle.
Check Out These 14 Witty Signs Spotted at Sports Events
Check out these witty signs spotted at sports events.
South America is a One-of-a-Kind Place: 17 Hilarious Pics!
South America is a one-of-a-kind place!
14 Grocery Store Signs to Make Your Shopping Funnier!
Chuckle with this super collection of some of the wittiest and funniest signs found inside supermarkets.
Weirdly Interesting Family Photoshoots - 14 Funny Pics
These family photos are embarrassing but hilarious.
Funny: I Wouldn't Want to Encounter Mr. Bean on the Road!
Mr. Bean is late for an appointment so he has the "great" idea of getting changed while driving...
These 15 Signs Are So Confusing, They're Hilarious
So let’s forget about all the worries for a little while, and explore the hilarious world of funny signs.
What Went Wrong Here? These Images are Hilarious!
Sometimes no matter how hard you may try to do a good job, something just goes wrong. Enjoy these construction fails and mistakes.
Some People Shouldn't Be Allowed Near a Bathroom...
We invite you to laugh at the following series of images that'll make you grateful your bathroom isn't on this list.
Sometimes All You Need is One Line to Make You Laugh...
28 hilarious and short jokes! Read them all at once or come back and read one every day, no funny business
Funny Photos: 'Miserable Men' Waiting for Their Wives
These photos of miserable men waiting for their wives and girlfriends to finish shopping are hilarious.
Only Grammar Nerds Will Appreciate These Jokes
These grammar jokes are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.
Every Man Should Learn from These Ridiculous DIY Fails
Why is it that men don't live as long as women? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that men aren't very careful when it comes to health and safety...
From Funny to Weird: These Signs Have It All
These signs are each funnier and more bizarre than the last. What were these people thinking?
Classic Laurel & Hardy: Dance Like No One's Watching!
Get ready to laugh with Laurel & Hardy’s dance moves.
Simon's Cat Leaves His Owner Out in the Cold!
Watch this latest Christmas Special episode of Simon's Cat.
FUNNY PICS: How About DON'T Do It Yourself?!
Sometimes, you should just let the professionals do the job...
Furry Scary: When Pets Left Their Owners Spooked!
Pets are adorable and make our lives better. Sometimes, though, they scare the living daylights out of us.
If You've Got a Sense of Humor, You'll Love These Liners!
Which of these short jokes will crack you up?
20 Comics That Show What Goes On Inside the Mind of a Dog
These comics by artist Rupert Fawcett perfectly illustrate what life with dogs is like.
22 Hilarious Observations Made in Different Countries
22 hilarious photos that show that some stereotypes about certain places do have a little bit of truth to them. Rude to some, amusing to others, we present to you our selection of best “Meanwhile, in…” photos.
15 Funny Signs That Are Unintentionally HILARIOUS
These signs had the right intentions, but something went terribly wrong…
15 Witty and Funny Marathon Signs That Made Us Chuckle
These absolutely wacky, witty, and hilarious signs were spotted at the NYC Marathon.
These Funny Illustrations Show What Life Is Like With Kids!
Jim Benton is a cartoonist and illustrator who has managed to capture life with young kids perfectly. Take a look at his hilarious drawings.
Fun-Loving Grandparents: These Photos Will Make Your Day!
To help crush the negative stereotypes that sometimes surround the elderly, here are 20 fantastic photos of grandparents acting absolutely hilariously!