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Dogs That Think They're Cats

Have you ever caught your dog sitting by the window, staring out into the abyss? Or playing with a ball of wool? Or anything else that you would usually associate with a cat rather than a dog? If you have, then your dog belongs in this list.

Below you’ll find 15 hilarious photos of dogs who believe they’re cats and, we’re sure you’ll agree, they’re absolutely humorous.

Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats


Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats
Dogs That Think They're Cats

Source: boredpanda 

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