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Buckle Up, Buddies! Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

Ever get the feeling your car is judging you for the overflowing grocery bags in the back seat? Well, never feel guilty about that ever again! Because the things people are willing to load on their vehicles will genuinely leave you baffled. 

The internet is overflowing with hilarious photos showcasing the lengths people go to when they need to haul something… anything… in their car. From precariously balanced furniture to a whole motorboat, this collection of funny pictures showcases the hilarious and sometimes head-scratching things people transport using their cars.

Related: Why Did You Do That to Your Car?!! – 15 Funny Pics

1. They must have saved a LOT on shipping!

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

2. Oh, boy! That looks dangerous

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

3. He's got enough palletes to build a house

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

4. Enjoying the ride, ma'am?

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

5. Must be a really nice couch

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo


Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

7. That doesn't look too safe

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

8. Guess they'll never have to worry about a spare tire

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

9. Good luck with that haul

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

10. Now that's a sight you don't often see on the road

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

11. That wasn't the smartest idea, was it?

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

12. Going, going....

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

13. Can understand the sentiment

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo

14. Safe journey, guys!

Cars with the CRAZIEST Cargo
All images: Izismile
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