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Ads From the Past Sure Were Crazy! (17 Funny Pics)

Back in the day, advertisements were a whole different kind of wild. Looking through old magazines, you’ll find quirky, funny, and downright bizarre ads that would make you do a double-take today. Whether it’s promoting a product that makes no sense or using strange and amusing taglines, these vintage ads provide a hilarious glimpse into the past. It's hard to imagine anyone being convinced by them, but they’re entertaining to look at.

We’ve rounded up some of the most bizarre vintage magazine ads that are guaranteed to make you laugh and wonder what they were thinking!

Related: Time Capsule: See Old Ads for "New" Technologies

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1. I like this style

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

2. If you say so

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

3. What were they thinking?!

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

4. Don’t think that’s safe

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

5. Oh, I would love one of these

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

6. What did I just read?

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

7. No thanks; I don’t think my poor spine can handle this

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

8. This is just creepy

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

9. I bet many fell for this back in the day

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

10. Wonder if it worked

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

11. Oh, god, no!

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

12. WHY?! Just why?!

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

13. Looks rather painful 

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

14. Because you must smoke even if it’s raining 

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

15. What a deal!

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

16. Okay, this is so cool!

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads

17. I am at loss of words

Hilariously Crazy Vintage Ads
All images: Dump a Day
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