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Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cet Moments

No day is boring when you’re a cat owner. These adorable, clever, and somewhat rebellious pets always have some kind of surprise up their sleeves, whether it's an unexpected moment of tenderness and affection or a surprising display of intelligence. More than anything, cats’ shenanigans are also simply hilarious. In the photo collection below, you will find a few classic cat moments that will have you smiling from ear to ear.

1. Everyone's favorite news anchor
Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments news anchor

Image Source: Reddit

2. "Do not disturb. I am blooming!"
Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments cat in pot

Image Source: Reddit

3. "He keeps jumping on the table, I keep telling him to get off. Now I don't know if he is challenging me..."
Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments jumping on table

4. “Mom!!!! You need to knock first!"
Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments angry

Image Source: Reddit

5. These adorable rescue kittens sleep like this every night. 
Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments sleeping

Image Source: Reddit

6. "Hmm, what is it that you're having there?"Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments food

7. Just taking a nap in the trashcanAdorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments sleeping in trash can

Image Source: Reddit

8. Caught between two worldsAdorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments two globes

Image Source: Reddit

9. Caught playing with the ball he pretended to "hate"Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments playing

10. "No more screen time, Human."Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments sitting on phone

Image Source: Reddit

11. “Pulled pork egg rolls? Don’t mind if I do...”Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments egg roll

Image Source: Reddit

12. The cutest little creeperAdorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments creeping

Image Source: Reddit

13. "She could have slept anywhere in the house but decided at 2 AM that my face is the perfect spot.”Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments sleeping on owner

Image Source: Reddit

14. The face she makes when she knows she just got caught fishingAdorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments fishing

Image Source: Reddit

15. “Helping me make a quiche. The secret ingredient is fur.”Adorable, Funny and Sassy - 15 Classic Cat Moments cooking

Image Source: Reddit
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