When Reality Becomes Slapstick Comedy...
In this funny compilation, we take a look at some (minor) falls, fails and slapstick mayhem!
Joke: A Desperate Prayer
A grandfather takes his grandchildren to the beach.
18 Advertising Fails That Are Too Funny To Ignore!
These hilariously bad ads may not convince you to buy the product, but they will surely succeed at cracking you up!
Joke: The Foreskin Problem
A rabbi is planning on retiring from his main occupation, which is giving circumcisions
These One Frame Comics Are Guaranteed To Brighten Your Day
Sometimes, a single panel of a comic strip can contain so much wit and humor, and these one frame cartoons certainly prove it!
Joke: A Snail Job
A bear, a moose, a fox, a wolf and a snail were playing cards around a table...
Joke: Who Will You Play?
Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, and Arnold Schwarzenegger are reading a script at lunch.
Joke: The Shocked Maid
Around the beginning of the 20th century, a society lady runs into the employment office one day and demands a maid "right now".
Joke: The Cat Statue
A man walks into an antique store and starts looking around.
Joke: The Tortoise and His Stutter
A long time ago, when animals ruled the lands, a band of tortoises...
Joke: The Catholic, the Beggar and the Pope
A catholic man's lifelong dream was to meet the pope.
These 18 Pictures Sum Up What It’s Like to Visit Canada
Just like any country in the world, Canada has its funny quirks. These are the funny things that make Canada special!
These Knock-Off Versions of Big Brands Are Just Hilarious
Ever heard of Pizza Roof? Or Sunbucks? Check out these hilarious knock-off versions of popular brand names...