Hilarious: The Truth About Vincent Van Gogh's Family...
Like most people, I'm very familiar with Vincent van Gogh's incredibly artistry, but I never realized how large his extended family was until I saw this post.
This Joke Begins With a Simple Headache...
This computer isn't stupid at all...
FUNNY: This Cartoon Cat Won't Let His Owner Take a Break
Look at what happens to poor Simon when he decides to watch a bit of TV – his cat is having none of it. How far these treasures will go to catch our attention!
Hilarious Joke: You've Got Some Explaining To Do, Mr!
A man is having an affair with his secretary. He tries to cover his tracks, but he has a change of heart upon meeting his wife...
Have You Heard This One? The Advanced Vet
This veterinarian has his own way of checking his patients.
Hilarious Joke: Why Motherhood is For the Young...
There's a reason motherhood is for the young...
You've Never Seen a Couple Fight So Beautifully...
A classic comedy featuring Sid Caesar and Nannette Fabry as a couple who fight by a classical score.
Hilarious Joke: I Think I Know What the Problem Is...
A redhead goes to visit the doctor complaining about pains all over her body. As soon as she arrives, the doctor has suspicions about her true hair color...
This Talk Made Me Realize Something While I Laughed
A hilarious send-up of the inspirational internet videos we're inundated with these days! This video made me laugh out loud and taught me a valuable lesson.
This Joke Begins With an Angry Lawyer...
This joke unveils the truth about certain people...
Hilarious: 25 Reasons Women Live Longer than Men!
These photos prove why women outlive men.
I Love This Joke: How Media Works
A Harley-riding US marine is riding past the zoo in Washington D.C., when he sees a little girl in trouble. Little did he know how events would pan out...
Warning: Hilariously Bad Animal Puns!
If you like jokes and animals, you've come to the right place! Enjoy these 18 funny animal puns we've collected just for you.