Hilarious: Are You Sure He's Mine?
Walter and Linda have two beautiful daughters, but they have always wanted a boy. 9 months later, the new arrival wasn't as expected...
A Hilarious Tribute to Cats and Kittens!
This hilarious video involves a kitten being given some life advice by the household's older cat in what amounts to almost three minutes of laughter.
Hilarious: A Husband and His Honest Opinion
This woman asks her husband for an honest opinion regarding how old she looks...
Hilarious: He's a Lucky Old Man... Or Is He?
This 84-year-old man has a 22-year-old woman at home, but he seems a bit confused about getting back home to her...
Hilarious: The Girl's Round of Golf Just Went Awry
Two women are playing golf. Nothing out of the ordinary there, but one of them will soon give a poor man a day to forget...
The Funny Side of Having Too Much Technology...
It's crazy to think about how most of us have become attached to our cellphones, but there's a funny side to the whole thing. Take a look at these memes.
Eek! Remember When Chaplin Got Trapped in the Lion's Cage?
This classic scene has me rolling around the floor every time...
Hilarious! When a New Kitten is Introduced to the Family
Watch this new arrival causing chaos...
Funny: This Doctor Wishes He Had Given Some Other Advice
This doctor gives some friendly advice to a patient of his...six weeks later he regrets it!
Laugh out Loud at These Alternative Animal "Facts"
So-called animal experts have no idea about these facts. They're about to be revealed for the very first time, and rest assured that laughter will ensue!
When Mrs. Brown Was Just a Naive Little Lady...(Very Rude)
Mrs. Brown does her best to cheer up an anxious expectant mother with tales from her first pregnancy.
Hilarious! Mom's Curiosity Get's the Better of Her...
This guy's mom really knows how to find an answer to a question that is bugging her.
Mark Twain Had a Lot to Say About Almost Everything
Mark Twain is one of the most famous writers in American history. He was known for his dark wit and humor, and his quotes still inspire people today.