These Hilarious Kids Were Left Unsupervised...
When toddlers or young children are left on their own, the likelihood is a disaster will ensue. Here are 20 timely reminders why they shouldn't be left alone!
Hilarious: Why Was This Boy Expelled?
This boy keeps getting in trouble, and both he and his father don't understand why...
It's My Birthday, I'll Have a Drink If I Want To (Funny)
An old lady is celebrating her 80th birthday aboard a cruise ship. The bartender buys her a drink, and she proceeds to have a few...
This Joke Starts With a Woman Visiting the Fortune Teller
A sneaky woman decides to visit a fortune teller when she's in New Orleans
When a Ridiculous Sign is Put Up, Hilarity Ensues!
There are certain signs that you come across that leave you wondering what was going on in the mind of the person that put it up. Here are 16 hilarious signs.
They Only Had One Job to Do... But Failed Dramatically!
Situations like this are always amusing.
These Funny One-Liners Are Utterly Hilarious
These monsters are out to make you giggle. They've got no less than 20 one-liners to share with you, and we bet you'll be in fits of laughter in no time.
Hilarious: Rowan Atkinson Welcomes You to Hell
Watch this hilarious British comedian's take on the devil introducing new sinners to hell.
These Hotel Goofs Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Hotels are usually pretty nice, but as you're about to see, you will sometimes come across some hilarious bloopers.
This Joke Starts With a Man Trying to Steal a Hat
When a man attempts to steal a hat from a church and fails, he is duly punished. Little did he know that memories of his old one would soon come flooding back..
Hilarious: The Hillbilly Wedding From Hell
This family has a weird tradition of letting the best man get the first dance at a wedding. Inevitably, it was about to go wrong at some point...
Joke: Why Does My Wife Always Yell At Me At Night?
When two married men are discussing how not to get yelled at after a night out, it appears that one of the men has an inspired solution...
This Joke Starts With a Pastor Receiving a Large Donation
When a pastor begins to receive a pink envelope containing $1,000 each week, he begins to wonder where the money is coming from. The donor can explain...