These Brilliant Comic Strips Reveal Winter's Funny Side...
These comics perfectly portray the funny side of winter, and you'll find that many of the ideas they present are painfully true!
Are These the Funniest Animal Photos Ever Captured?
If you love animals, then get ready to laugh your head off, since the annual Comedy Wildlife Awards are with us once again!
The 30 Craziest State Laws Are Just Too Funny For Words!
Check out 30 of the craziest laws that are still in effect in the US today!
This Joke Starts With a Man in the Fertilized Egg Business
Whitey is in the fertilized egg business, with several hundred young hens laying eggs for him. The roosters, on the other hand, were far less numerous...
Simon's Cat Tries to Hide From Some Noisy Fireworks...
Watch as Simon's anxious cat tries his best to escape from a bunch of fireworks going off right outside his window...
This Joke Starts With a Little Boy Having a Temper Tantrum
When a little boy starts having a temper tantrum aboard a flight that's just about to take off, a retired Air Force general steps in to calm the situation...
I've Never Seen Translations Fail This Hard
These hilariously terrible translations will make you laugh your socks off!
Hilarious: So That's Why Neil Armstrong Used Those Words!
Neil Armstrong did not mince his words when he landed on the moon, but no-one knew who the Mr. Gorsky that he referred to was. It was soon revealed...
Funny Joke: A Girl and Her Grandpa Go to the Store
A clerk tries it on with a pretty girl who's at the store he works at with her granddad. He asks for an odd form of paytment, but his plans are scuppered...
These Two Idiots Are Divulging Their Secrets (Funny Joke)
Two panhandlers are discussing how they make their money. One doesn't realize what the other does to make so much more, but it soon becomes apparent...
Only Mr. Bean Can Make a Picnic Hilarious
Mr. Bean decides to have a picnic. However, he soon realizes that there are some insects who will do their utmost to prevent him from enjoying himself...
This Joke Starts With a Woman Playing Bridge With Friends
Fay, a busy housewife, enjoys playing a game of bridge with her female friends, but they'r sick of her lewd jokes. They decide to offer her an ultimatum...
These Guys Only Had One Job Yet They Failed Spectacularly!
No matter how badly you mess up, you can never be worse off than these guys...