This Joke Begins With a Man's Complaint to His Rabbi...
This joke starts with a Jewish son converting...
How Much Sleep Do We Need at Different Ages?
How much sleep do we need at 15? Is it the same at 35 or 60? No, and that is exactly what we would like to teach you about
Joke: What's the Matter Officer?
This joke begins with a man encountering a lady of the night.
These Goofy Cats Will Have You Howling with Laughter
Though typically reserved and dignified, cats can be hilarious, bounding across the house chasing after invisible prey.
Is This Talent Show Judge Really THIS Mean?
Joke: The Disturbing Letter
This joke begins with a letter between brothers...
Joke: How Much Work is Lovemaking?
What Do Americans Sound Like? A Question with 50 Answers
There isn't one single American accent, but hundreds of them, from the heavy drawl of north Florida to the comical Minnesota accent.
Joke: The Native American Donkey
This joke begins with an anthropologist without a clue...
Hilarious: 15 Who Parked Terribly and Found Karma
Some people just don't know how to park a care, and some are just incredibly selfish. Here are the worst offenders.
The Best Pranks Take Place at the Park!
Come to the park, it's the best place to get pranked by the Canadian comedy troupe Just For Laughs.
Joke: The EU is Switching to Euro-English
This joke begins with a formal change to the language of the United Nations...
Joke: The Tiny Piano, Tiny Player and Tiny Singer!
This joke begins with a man trading a drink for a very special little performance...