Joke: Funniest Lines in History!
“The cardiologist's diet: If it tastes good - spit it out.“
WARNING: These Signs Will Make You Howl with Laughter
Here, we present to you the best and funniest signs we've seen so far this year, enjoy!
Enjoy a Hilarious Dose of Animal Pranks!
Enjoy a hilarious compilation of the best animal pranks by Just for Laughs
Joke: Honey, I Want You to Know...
After a dinner in which a young lady introduces her fiancee to her parents, her mother instructs her father to go on a fact-finding mission...
Joke: A Bizarre Afterlife
Ralph came home drunk one night, slid into bed beside his sleeping wife, and fell into a deep slumber...
Honey I Think the Cat Broke: Strange and Funny Cat Moments
Funny cat photos never get old. These guys were caught in the strange uncat like petition that will both baffle you and make you laugh out loud
Joke: How to Prevent Pregnancy
A pretty blond woman is driving down a country road in her new sports car when something goes wrong and it breaks down. Luckily, she happens to be near a farmhouse.
Joke: The Colonel and the Pope
Desperate after three bad months of sales at Kentucky Fried Chicken, the famous Colonel called up the Pope and asks him for a favor.
Joke: This Englishman's Wishes
This Englishman sure knows how to get out of a very painful situation.
These Must Be Some of the Funniest Construction Mistakes
These hilarious construction fails and errors will leave you laughing and wondering what these builders were thinking.
15 Funny Pictures of Pets Engaged in Shenanigans
These hilarious entries from the Comedy Pet Photography Awards will have you rolling in laughter.
Prime Examples Of Just How Strange the English Language Is
The English language is filled with numerous strange sequences and things that don't make sense like this fascinating and funny tidbits
Joke: Life in the Fertilized Egg Business
Whitey is in the fertilized egg business, with several hundred young hens laying eggs for him. The roosters, on the other hand, were far less numerous...