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22 Pointless but Hilarious Signs

It seems like the world is permeated with busy-body signs and notices these days, telling you what to do and what not to do, where this is and where that is - they seem to know everything. But even these seemingly all-knowing guardians of our lives can get up on the wrong side of the bed and make complete fools of themselves.
Take a look at these absurd warnings and notices from the stupidest of the world's ubiquitous signs, then look again, shake your head, roll your eyes and laugh out loud at the most needless words that you have been fooled into taking seriously: 
Signs are not always straightforward and clinical...
Odd Signs
Often they will spell out every single aspect of something...
Odd Signs
Even when it seems obvious...
Odd Signs
Or even patronizing...
Odd Signs
Sometimes they really treat you like an idiot...
Odd Signs
As if you have no sense of decency...
Odd Signs
And very little life experience...Odd Signs
That you are basically a child, afraid of the dark...
Odd Signs
That you can't think for yourself...
Odd Signs
They will try anything to guilt you...
Odd Signs
But, often signs will argue among themselves...
Odd Signs
Like many of us, they say things just for the sake of it...Odd Signs
They have strong opinions about small things...
Odd Signs
Sometimes it seems like they are joking...
Odd Signs
But they make every little thing seem serious...
Odd Signs
Some signs spread conspiracies...
Odd Signs
Some are quite useful - after the event...
Odd Signs
Often when they are speechless they revert to 'sign-cliches'...
Odd Signs
It's obvious they just want to tell you a story...
Odd Signs
They attempt to make themselves seem needed...
Odd Signs
Frequently signs will fight for the same turf...
Odd Signs
They really are just like us...
Odd Signs
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