Tyson Cole is a talented cartoonist who views single-panel cartoons as delightful combinations of humor and art, similar to memes, but displaying a higher level of artistry. He is known for uncovering the comedic essence within ordinary moments, thus providing a unique perspective on the peculiarities of everyday life. In today's world, where laughter holds immense value, Tyson's comics serve as delightful reminders of the happiness inherent in life's simple and eccentric facets.
Related: 17 Witty and Funny One-Panel Comics!
These Funny Cartoons Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile
Enjoy this humorous collection of single-panel comics by Harry Bliss.
21 One-Panel Comics That Are Short, Sweet, and Hilarious!
Get ready to giggle at the hilarious one-panel comics by Glenn McCoy.
Get Ready to Laugh with these Witty Comics
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-panel comics by cartoonist D.T. Walsh.
The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by Glenn McCoy
Get ready to laugh all day with these hilarious one-panel comics by cartoonist Glenn McCoy.
20 Hilarious One-Panel Comics Loaded Witty Humor
Artist Jimmy Craig’s humorous comics deliver the laughs in a single panel.
20 Chucklesome One-Frame Comics by Artist Dan Piraro
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by artist Dan Piraro.
These Funny Quotes Will Inspire You With a Smile
Let these humorous quotes about life put a smile on your face.
These Grammar Jokes Are a Silly & Funny Play On Words!
If you're one to titter at a good grammar joke, then you'll absolutely love the 14 that you can find in this post.
Ahoy There! Hilarious Boat Names That Set Sail on Laughter
Enjoy this hilarious collection of hilariously punny boat names.
15 Vintage Photos That Will Make You Laugh
These weird and funny vintage photos don't make any sense!
Kitchen Tries: These "Cleaning Tools" Are Hilarious!
In this video, Dave takes a humorous dive into trying out various quirky cleaning gadgets.
When Christmas Decorations Failed Miserably - Funny Pics
These people ruined Christmas with their hilariously bad decorations.
The Most Hilarious Car Bumper Stickers Ever...
Here are some of the most hilarious car bumper stickers ever.
Classic Comedy: The Miracle of Birth!
This sketch puts a very funny light on the process of hospital birth. Thank goodness it isn't like this in real life... or is it?
Dogs' Hilarious Regrets: 15 Funny Moments
Dogs don't have the ability to understand that their actions have consequences. This often leads to hilarious results such as these.
Classic Comedy: The Marx Brothers' Famous Mirror Scene
One of the most famous and adored comedy routines of all time performed by the talented Marx Brothers!
I Was in a Bad Mood Until I Saw These Signs - 15 Pics
It’s time for a hilariously new collection of funny signs.
These Dad Comics Will Make You Smile and Laugh
Let’s celebrate Father’s Day with these absolutely hilarious cartoons.
WATCH: 10 Funny Xmas Editions of 'Simon's Cat' All in One!
These hilarious cartoons from Simon's cat serve to remind us not to forget something really important: It's Christmas for our cats too!
Here's Proof That Wrong Spacing Can Ruin Any Sign...
Sometimes, a tiny mistake like a space in the wrong place can make all the difference, turning an ordinary sign into the most hilarious one you've ever seen!
20 Hilarious Comic Strips to Bring Joy to Your Day!
Ready to bring some positivity and sunshine to your day? These feel-good comics feature cute animals and puns are sure to make you smile!
These Mistranslations Had Us Laughing All Day
These translation fails were too funny not to share.
18 Funny Notes Left by Clever Moms and Dads
These parents left the funniest passive-aggressive notes!
What the Heck Was Going On in These 25 Photographs!
Sometimes you just have to throw you hands up and ask: 'what the hell are all these people in the photos were thinking?'
Ready to Laugh? The Best Senior Jokes in History!
No wonder they call the golden age the happiest time of your life....
17 Witty and Funny One-Panel Comics!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-frame comics by New Yorker Magazine cartoonist Harry Bliss.
Who Needs a Plot? These Book Dedications Are Hilarious!
These are some of the funniest book dedications ever written.
The Signs at This Gas Station Made the Entire World Laugh!
Surely enough, these hilarious signs will have you laughing for hours!
These Hilarious Grammar Jokes are a Verbal Delight!
Do you enjoy a good pun? Somehow, they become even funnier when they're related to grammar. Here are 17 hilarious grammar jokes for you to enjoy.
HILARIOUS: These Warning Signs are NOT Doing Their Job...
These warning signs are not doing their job well, are they?
Captured Irony: 17 Photos That Will Make You Laugh
The amusing pictures below showcase 17 ironic situations that seem impossible!
Dogs vs. Their Greatest Enemy: The Bath...
Sorry, my dear canine buddies, you'll still need to take that bath!
Hilarious: These Animals Decided to be Jerks Today
Animals are lovely, but even they have the scoundrels that annoy the rest!
You Will Crack Up Reading These One-Panel Cartoons!
Comic artist creates witty yet hilarious single-panel comics. Check out some of his best ones.
25 Pictures that Prove Photographers are Crazy!
Some people are willing to go above and beyond what is needed (or safe) in order to take the perfect photo...
Funny Photos: You Had One Job!
These ridiculously funny work fail pictures will have you laughing all day.
These Child Letters to God are Both Touching and Hilarious
The letters these kids write are astounding.
This is a Song All Mothers Should Hear. Hilarious!
This beautiful and hilarious song should be sung by all mothers everywhere.
These FUNNY Spring Jokes Will Blossom Your Mood!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of spring jokes and puns.
Mr. Bean Can't Even Go to Hospital without Making a Scene!
Mr. Bean has to go to the hospital , but soon realizes that he will have a pretty long wait...