Evolution is the biological process that resulted in the world we have today and the 2 million discovered forms of life present on it. Evolution tracks the origin of birds to bird-like reptiles from the era of dinosaurs, while many other species are believed to have evolved from aquatic worms that lived almost 600 million years ago. The genealogy of mankind can be traced back to primates that, through the process of natural selection, began to walk upright, and eventually develop skills like hunting, building, and inventing. The evolutionary chain of Homo Sapiens (modern day man) follows the cycle of growth from primate to Neanderthal and finally to the cell-phone wielding species we are today. This artist decided to give a comedic twist to the chain, with these 20 pictures.
1. Evolution through Terror
2. Are we there Yet?
3. Don’t you just hate line-cutters
4. Ow
5. There’s more than one way to follow someone
6. Have you heard the good news?
7. The benefits of knowing a VIP
8. I think we’re lost
9. No back-seat driving!
10. Oh god, where could they be?
11. Just smile and wave, boys… Smile and wave
12. This is why it sucks to be at the end of the line
13. Well… This is different
14. 00Evolution
15. Inter-Evolutionary Love
16. Drive slow. It’s a Neanderthal Crossing
17. The Primate still reigns supreme
18. I can feel it. Frodo still has the ring, Gandalf
19. Viva La Evolucion!
20. Nope, I’m not going that way
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Who Said God Is Not Funny? Hilarious Church Signs!
Although churches are houses of worship, that doesn't mean to say that they can't have a sense of humor! These amazing signs are evidence of that.
Joke: What To Wear When The IRS Calls You In...
A man has been called in to the IRS to testify, but he's unsure of what to wear for the outcome to be most favorable for him. Read on to find out what happens..
Classic Comedy: The Grammar Nazi
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Hilarious Signs: This Ice Cream Shop Cracked Me Up!
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14 English Oddities That Will Make You Laugh!
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You Simply Must See These 15 Hilarious Translation Fails!
Check out these 15 different translation fails which are bound to make you scream with laughter!
Funny Pranks: The Ultimate Collection of Halloween Scares!
It's that time of the year again where we invite you to enjoy a hilarious collection of Halloween pranks.
Living Forever? These People Are Betting on It
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LOL: 14 Dad Jokes & Puns to Make You Cringe
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Comedy Classics: Christmas Shopping With Mr. Bean
This Christmas, let’s go shopping with Mr. Bean.
Hilarious: These "translators" Should Quit Their Job...
This is hilarious!! See These Signs in ENGLISH!!
Say What? 17 Idioms with Hilarious Translations
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Funnies: The Differences Between Men and Women
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Thirty Reasons to Smile as the New Year Arrives...
Start 2025 on the right note with these funny New Year’s jokes.
Must Watch! Who Doesn't Enjoy a Good Laugh?
The following pranks, featuring kids, are both hilarious and cute! Check them out.
When Signs Go Wrong and End Up Being Too Funny
These unintentionally funny signs prove not all messages go as planned.
Hilarious: 16 Sarcastic Daily Affirmations!
Sometimes, being overly positive doesn’t help. But a little bit of humor does.
14 Hilarious Baby Photo Shoots that Didn't Go as Planned
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Hilarious Gag: Girl Teaches Rude Motorist a Lesson!
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These 14 Photos Were Taken Just a Moment Before Disaster
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The 1900s Had Some BIZARRE Predictions About Today...
These wild predictions about the future were way off.
Hilarious: Time to Laugh at Some Fresh Cartoons!
Forget everything today and just enjoy these hilarious one-panel comics by Mark Lynch.
HILARIOUS: Babies vs. Christmas Presents
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Is That a Cat or a Fish? 15 Wacky Details in Medieval Art
Medieval artists sure used some weird logic while making their animal artworks.
Why On Earth Would Anyone Think This is a Good Idea...
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Hilarious Fortune Cookie Messages to Make You Laugh
Fortune cookies can be quite sassy sometimes!
Hilarious! Some Animals Cannot Pose Well in Photos
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These Hilarious Comics Are Exactly What We All Need Today
Add a dose of humor to your day with these hilarious single-frame comics by cartoonist Mark Parisi.
When Christmas Decorations Failed Miserably - Funny Pics
These people ruined Christmas with their hilariously bad decorations.
Enjoy a Hilarious Dose of Animal Pranks!
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HILARIOUS: 15 Times People Failed the Only Job They Had
The most hilarious examples of hilarious work fails.
Prank Compilation: The Funniest Pranks & Scares of 2024!
sit back and enjoy the ultimate compilation of laugh-out-loud pranks and jaw-dropping reactions from the past year!
Hilarious: These Signs Are as Funny as It Gets!
From clever puns to unintentionally hilarious signs, this epic collection of 16 funny signs has it all!
Crazy Enough to Work: Hilarious Quick Fixes
Here is a collection of masterpieces that may just inspire you to try some engineering for yourself:
Horse is Convinced This Man Is Her Father - Cute & Funny!
Reyhan the horse is mesmerized by a particular characteristic of the man who rescued her - his bald head!
20 Hilarious and Heartwarming Raccoon Moments
If you take a moment to observe raccoons, you'll find they are the funniest little rascals, as these 20 hilarious and cute images prove it!
Well, You Can't Say These People Aren't Creative...
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19 Hilarious Perks of Becoming a Senior Citizen!
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Norwegian is a Hilarious Language, Who Knew?!
What's a lard ring or an eye stabber? Well, isn't it obvious - it's Norwegian for a doughnut and dragonfly respectively. Who knew this language was so much fun?!
22 One-Panel Comics That Sum Up Our Feline Friends
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Hilarious Bathroom Designs That Missed the Mark by a Mile
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15 Witty and Funny Marathon Signs That Made Us Chuckle
These absolutely wacky, witty, and hilarious signs were spotted at the NYC Marathon.