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20 Hilarious Mistakes That Found Their Way Onto Signs

English is a tough language to master. The spelling system alone is notoriously inconsistent and tough to grasp for both native speakers and new learners. We can only imagine what itโ€™s like to encounter English spelling, grammar, and punctuation with no prior experience with the language.
In this type of scenario, taking a shortcut of any kind - usually through online translation tools like Google Translate - is an understandable temptation. The only thing is, these tools donโ€™t always work very well, and if you rely on them too much, you may end up in a pretty hilarious situation. This is exactly what has happened with the authors of these hilarious public signs. Scroll down to get a good laugh!

1. What a cute little mistake!

Funny Mistakes on Signs tiny grass

2. Close, but wrong!

Funny Mistakes on Signs feman

3. A sign somewhere in England...

Funny Mistakes on Signs do not empty dog

4. The rare sign that sabotages itself

Funny Mistakes on Signs are country

5. That's some pretty extreme company policy, don't you agree?

Funny Mistakes on Signs shoplifters will be executed

6. Don't come near, this freezer is crazy!

Funny Mistakes on Signs freezer is out of control

7. Which ones would you wear? I gravitate towards the Coco-Colo

Funny Mistakes on Signs funny socks

8. This seemingly innocent sign has some pretty macabre undertones...

Funny Mistakes on Signs feed or food to cats

9. The bar is set pretty low

Funny Mistakes on Signs no face no entry

10. Challenge accepted!

Funny Mistakes on Signs walk without walking

11. Is this the Ploice?

Funny Mistakes on Signs Ploice

12. What a mean washing machine!

Funny Mistakes on Signs mean washing machine

13. This is why every official structure needs a professional writer on staff

Funny Mistakes on Signs homeless cut in half

14. Honesty is the best policy!

Funny Mistakes on Signs I don't know

15. "Should I wait or run?"

Funny Mistakes on Signs coming to cancel you

16. Coffee machine: "I am fear. I am destruction. I am disorder."

Funny Mistakes on Signs I am disorder

17. Don't we all have at least one year of zero experience?

Funny Mistakes on Signs 1 year of 0 experience

18. Everyone gets a sandwich, but those who are sad get a "sadwich"

Funny Mistakes on Signs sadwich

19. I think this sign just broke my brain...

Funny Mistakes on Signs drive carefully

20. Is this a question or a threat?

Funny Mistakes on Signs do you want to exist
Source of all images: Bored Panda
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