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18 of Mr. Bean's Most Humorous Escapades

Mr. Bean (played by Sir Rowan Atkinson) is one of comedy’s most memorable characters. Described by Atkinson as “a child in a man’s body”, he rarely speaks, and deals with everyday life situations in bizarre and hilarious ways. Here are 18 of the funniest Mr. Bean moments, including his performance from the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony.
Weddings require meticulous planning, so what could possibly go wrong by inviting Mr. Bean? 
When Mr. Bean goes to the beach, hilarity ensues.
Overcome by generosity, Mr. Bean tries to give money to a street performer.
Ever wonder what Mr. Bean does on his lunch break?
What happens when someone accidentally takes Mr. Bean’s pants?
Always trying to help, Mr. Bean does his best to save a man on the street.
Going to get his hair cut, Mr. Bean becomes an impromptu barber.
When Mr. Bean goes to the pool, getting wet is the least of your worries…
Forced to take the bus, Mr. Bean experiences an everyday life activity with hilarious results.
Planning to paint his house, Mr. Bean realizes he forgot to get a paint brush.
Mr. Bean’s visit to a local restaurant is hard to swallow.
How Mr. Bean deals with an unpleasant train commute.
Everybody needs love.
A visit to the dentist can be an unpleasant experience. If it’s Mr. Bean’s visit – the unpleasantness is the dentist’s.
Wanting to expand his mind, Mr. Bean decides to visit the local library.
Anyone who watched the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony was treated to a hilarious piano piece performed by Mr. Bean.
Church is a solemn place, surely Mr. Bean can't cause any mischief here!
It's every Englishman's dream to meet Her Royal Highness, so this is an opportunity Mr. Bean can't blow.
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