Dave Coverly, the brilliant mind behind the comic series "Speed Bump," expertly captures the humor and quirks of everyday life, popular culture, and particularly the animal kingdom. His single-panel cartoons are renowned for their sharp wit, cleverness, and fun commentary. In this collection of 17 comics, Coverly's talent shines through as he blends everyday humor with hilarious animal antics, leaving us laughing out loud. Get ready for chuckles!
Related: Forget Your Worries and Laugh With Some Hilarious Cartoons
Hilarious: Time to Laugh at Some Fresh Cartoons!
Forget everything today and just enjoy these hilarious one-panel comics by Mark Lynch.
Forget Your Worries and Laugh With Some Hilarious Cartoons
Take a break from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life and enjoy these one-panel comics by artist Dave Coverly.
16 Clever One-Panel Comics That'll Crack You Up!
Check out these humorous one-panel comics by cartoonist Jeff Swenson.
These Funny Cartoons Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile
Enjoy this humorous collection of single-panel comics by Harry Bliss.
Laughter is Just a Click Away...(18 One-Frame Funnies)
Add some laughter to your week with these hilarious horror-themed comics by the legendary Mark Parisi.
17 Comics That Explore Humor In Everyday Life Situations
Enjoy these hilarious single-panel comics by cartoonist Jules Burton Suits.
15 Hilariously Cute Comics That Cat Owners Will Adore
Here is a collection of 15 hilarious comic strips based on the funny adventures of different cats. Pet owners are sure to chuckle at these.
These Are the Most Ridiculous Solutions I Have Ever Seen
How to solve your problems in the worst way...
12 Times Newspapers Gave Us Unintentional Laughs!
Newspaper stories can sometimes provide unintentional laughs!
15 Pets Who Definitely Didn’t Approve Their New Look
These pet haircuts had owners laughing and crying.
These Comics Unveil the Universe One Joke at a Time
Learn something new about our universe with these funny educational comics by ‘Spaceytales’.
These Dogs Just Don't Understand the Concept of Size!
Maybe a cat took their bed, maybe they just miss being small, but one thing is for sure - these dogs need a bigger bed!
Ready For Fun? Time for a Gag-Fest!
This gag collection is sure to put a smile on your face today. What's life without a bit of laughter?
Hilarious: Have You Seen The New Senior Bumper Stickers?
Here are some bumper stickers specially made for the retired lifestyle!
I Can't Stop Laughing at These Funny Husbands
Check out these 12 examples of husbands and boyfriends being absolutely hilarious.
14 “Genius” DIY Fixes That Get the Job Done—Almost!
Some people come up with the most creative solutions for their everyday problems.
19 Translation Fails That Are Too Funny to Miss
These hilarious English fails will make you laugh all day.
These Hilarious Grammar Jokes are a Verbal Delight!
Do you enjoy a good pun? Somehow, they become even funnier when they're related to grammar. Here are 17 hilarious grammar jokes for you to enjoy.
Timeless Humor: Groucho Marx's Funniest Quotes
Check out these 10 hilarious quotes by Groucho Marx that are bound to make you laugh out loud!
"Funny" Quotation Mark Fails We Had to Share!
A hilarious collection of the most “unnecessary” quotation marks.
Silly Signage: Visual Jokes You Can't Unsee
We've never met a funny sign we did not like, but these 16 signs and announcements are extremely confusing...
We Can’t Stop Laughing at These OUTRAGEOUS Dog Pranks
Watch this hilarious compilation of goofy pranks involving lovable puppies!
I've Seen People Make Mistakes Before, But This Is Silly..
It's amazing how wrong certain things can go, and this is especially true in the photo series you're about to see. Here are 20 times when people "nailed it".
Hilarious! This Is How Old Men Strip a Kitchen
The Swedes are known for some great cooking. But it seems it's not the men who deserve the praise. This is what they really get up to in the kitchen!
How a True Genius Responds to Annoying Neighbors...
Here are 15 hilarious examples of how neighbors attack each other in hilarious passive-aggressive ways!
Hilarious! These Dogs Actually Think They're Cats
15 photos of dogs who think they're cats. These are bound to make you laugh.
14 Fun Animal Photos Snapped at the Perfect Time
These are some of the funniest and most well-timed animal photos we’ve ever seen!
Hilarious Signs We Just Can't Understand
If you thought that the previous “bad English” sign fails we posted were funny, wait until you see these 20 hilarious signs!
Classic Comedy: Russ Abbot's Masterbrain Can't Miss!
A hilarious sketch from the mind of Russ Abbott: Mastermind can't lose!
These Work Safety Fails Will Make Your Hair Stand on End!
The work safety fails you’ll see in this article are not for the faint of heart. But don’t worry, no careless worker was harmed in the making of these photos!
Hilarious: Best of Terrible Strangers Pranks!
This prank compilation focuses on 'terrible people' and the weird things they do before you discover it's a prank!
Never Thought Bathroom Signs Could Be So Funny! (Rude)
These hilarious bathrooms signs are sure to make your trip to the little boy's or girl's room much more enjoyable!
20 Hilarious Comic Strips to Bring Joy to Your Day!
Ready to bring some positivity and sunshine to your day? These feel-good comics feature cute animals and puns are sure to make you smile!
These Cats and Dogs Cause Complete Christmas Carnage!
You dog or cat might be the world's most innocent creature for most of the year, but as soon as the holiday season comes around all this changes in a heartbeat.
Classic Laurel & Hardy: Dance Like No One's Watching!
Get ready to laugh with Laurel & Hardy’s dance moves.
12 Sarcastic Gems from Famous Philosophers
These philosophers had a surprising sense of humor.
This is What Happens When Translations Go Wrong...
These examples of translated English didn't quite turn out as intended, with hilarious results!
Some Things Could Only Have Been Invented in Japan
You can always rely on the Japanese to come up with some quirky inventions...
This is a Song All Mothers Should Hear. Hilarious!
This beautiful and hilarious song should be sung by all mothers everywhere.
When Funny Signs Meet Epic Fails, Hilarity Ensues...
These funny signs, tags, and maps show just how much the people responsible for creating them had failed, and it's absolutely hilarious!
Well, You Can't Say These People Aren't Creative...
These 17 examples of nonstandard thinking intrigued us and made us laugh.
9 Mockumentaries That Had Us Rolling on the Floor
Explore the side-splitting world of mockumentaries.
20 Hilarious Road Signs You'll Only Ever See in Australia
The land down under has a language of its own as you can see by these signs that are equal parts strange and hysterical