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16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating

Pets are the source of many laughs, as these funny beloved creatures tend to get up to all sorts of shenanigans. One trait that most pets share is an unequivocal love for food. This enthusiasm sometimes goes so overboard that it leads our furry friends into some questionable situations. In the hilarious photo collection below, youโ€™re about to witness 16 such hilarious cases, where pets ended up stuck and bewildered, in an attempt to get some snacks.

1. Someone got stuck face down

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating face down
Image Source: Reddit

2. Left alone for 5 MINUTES with a full feeder and this happens

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating bunny
Image Source: Reddit

3. This cat got his head stuck in the ice cream container. Tried to back up. Found that there was less table than he thought...

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating cat
Image Source: Reddit

4. The caption says it all

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating kitty in a feeder
Image Source: Twitter

5. This doggo managed to get into a pack of frozen fish fillets and he would've gotten away with it if he didn't get stuck and had to come ask for for help

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating dog
Image Source: Reddit

6. The silliness starts early

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating puppies
Image Source: Imgur

7. How many times in 20 minutes can she get her head stuck in an empty beef jerky bag? 4 times. The answer is 4 times.

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating cat beef jerky
Image Source: Reddit

8. He tried to lick the plate clean and got stuck

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating dog dishwasher
Image Source: Sad and Useless

9. He tried to steal treats but his face got stuck

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating stealing treats
Image Source: Reddit

10. Spotted: Stuck in a bird feeder in front of his squirrel friends. (He got out).

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating squirrel in birdfeeder
Image Source: Reddit

11. Seagull just wanted to enjoy some takeaway

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating stuck seagull
Image Source: Marns Leader

12. Sometimes your food dish gets stuck on your collar and you leave a trail of food around the house... 

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating stuck food dish
Image Source: Reddit

13. I'll just wait for you guys to stop laughing and help me out

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating dog cereal box
Image Source: Reddit

14. It suddenly got dark in here

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While cat with cowl on face
Image Source: Sad and Useless

15. This doesn't seem to be the right side...

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating kitty
Image Source: Sad and Useless

16. Stuck in a cereal box

16 Hilarious Times Pets Got Stuck While Eating cat cereal box
Image Source: Sad and Useless
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