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16 Hilarious Encounters of Celebrity Doppelgangers

These people look just like celebrities, and they do not seem to be very happy about it. Think about it, hearing that you look just like that actor, artist, scientist, or politician may be fun for the first 5-10 times, but after a while, all the comments and unsolicited photos can become rather annoying. Still, seeing these 16 celebrity doppelgangers is quite amazing, as they have a truly eerie resemblance to famous people.

Vincent Van Who?

Celebrity Doppelgangers Vincent Van Gogh

Bruce Willis? More like "Bus Willis"

Celebrity Doppelgangers Bus Willis

Isn't it HILARIOUS that he even got a sweater with an explanation?!

Celebrity Doppelgangers Not Bernie

Next train stop - Jurassic Park

Celebrity Doppelgangers Jurassic Park

The Will Smith from Ghana...

Celebrity Doppelgangers Will Smith

I wonder if clients were asking this Russian "Dr. House" for health advice too...

Celebrity Doppelgangers Dr. Haus

Someone commented "Danny Dorito" about this, and we cannot stop laughing! 

Celebrity Doppelgangers Danny Dorito

Morgan Freeman on a bus

Celebrity Doppelgangers Freeman

Albert decided to be casual today...

Celebrity Doppelgangers Einstein

Samuel L. Jackson, why are you wearing a wig?

Celebrity Doppelgangers Samuel L. Jackson

This Walmart employee looks just like Barack Obama!

Celebrity Doppelgangers Barack Obama

"Iron deficiency man"

Celebrity Doppelgangers Iron deficiency man

Is this a lost photo of Michel Jackson?

Celebrity Doppelgangers Michel Jackson

Jimmy Fallon lookalike near Fallon’s wax figure

Celebrity Doppelgangers Jimmy Fallonโ€™s

The resemblance between this lady and Donald Trump is uncanny!

Celebrity Doppelgangers Donaldย Trump

The caption says it all...

Celebrity Doppelgangers Ron Perlman
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