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15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways

Computers, being machines, often malfunction and have errors. Much like humans. However, unlike humans, computers canโ€™t realize the comic potential in some of their mistakes. It turns out there is an online community of nearly 1 million members on Reddit dedicated entirely to the funniest glitches in the Matrix. "The failures that go viral within our community are usually those that have some humor in them," a moderator of the webpage said. He also noted members interested in programming often try to figure out why the software failed, but you really donโ€™t have to be a computer wiz to enjoy these hilarious mishaps.

1. How did that happen?

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

2. The Ultimate Relaxation

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

3. I think my subway is trying to tell me something

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

4. Are you sure Siri?

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

5. Yes Google, thatโ€™s exactly how bridges work

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

6. That's a pretty strong password policy

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

7. What the hell did I do

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

8. Scuba Driver

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Twitter

9. Thanks for having my back Tinder, I guess

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

10. Thanks for the help Siri

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

11. I can't use my Notes App for 3.5 weeks because I used the right password

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

12. Setting a reminder

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

13. I was driving, and my phone vibrated in my pocket to tell me this

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

14. Cool sign

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit

15. My microwave is disagreeing with me again

15 Times Technology Failed In The Funniest Ways
Image Source: Reddit
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