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15 Silly Pranks People Pulled on Their Parents

In this entertaining collection, we showcase hilarious pranks played by adults on their mature parents. From clever photo swaps to creative holiday cards, these lighthearted antics capture the fun and unexpected moments that keep family dynamics lively. Enjoy these snapshots of ingenuity and humor as sons and daughters surprise their parents with pranks that range from subtle to outrageous. Whether it's a tomato-themed birthday cake or a playful reimagining of nativity scenes, these images celebrate the joy and laughter that come with keeping the family on their toes.
"Still doing great on Mother’s Day."
prank on parents
"Then and now pictures I recreated for a Mother's Day gift."
prank on parents
"My parents left this photo frame empty for too long, so I decided to fill it."
prank on parents
"I work in wastewater treatment. My parents wanted a picture for their Christmas cards."
prank on parents
"For my holiday card, I photoshopped myself as my own awkward family. Yes, every person is me."
prank on parents
"Mom was worried about my trip to Detroit, so I sent her this picture."
prank on parents
"I saw this apron while shopping and decided to do a remake of my mother’s favorite picture for Christmas. Taken 23 years apart."
prank on parents
"Among my dad's Christmas decorations is a set of porcelain angels in a box marked "Christmas Angles". We've giggled about this misspelling for years, so I finally made him the "Christmas Angles" he deserves this season."
prank on parents
"I’m pretty sure my mom will never ask for my help with putting away the nativity scene again."
prank on parents
"Jokingly sent my mom a cutout of myself while I'm studying abroad. She seems to be entertaining herself with it."
prank on parents
"Whenever I ask my dad what time it is, he says "2", followed by a brief pause - "Too late!" or "Too early!" So, I made him this clock."
prank on parents
"My dad fell off a 10-foot ladder and dropped through the ceiling. I was walking by and caught him. This was the tile he went through, and now his Christmas present is finished."
prank on parents
"My mom wanted a nice picture of me and my sister for Mother's Day. Well, she's getting these instead."
prank on parents
"Dad insisted on no birthday cake, but he loves tomatoes. My brother came up with this solution."
prank on parents
"My dad got a new printer, and it turns out that it has an email address that you can send stuff to for it to print out. Decided to give him a little scare."
prank on parents
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