When it comes to the cat family, there’s a world of difference between the modern-day, cute domesticated ones we have as pets in the house and the ferocious large ones found in the jungles. While we are all aware that the adorable kitty that snuggles up at your feet is different than the huge lions and tigers tearing their prey apart in a forest, there might be more similarities among them than you thought.
For example, in these photos, you will see how some wild big cats are behaving exactly like cute little kittens! From relishing a belly rub to sitting in a box the moment they see one, it’s ridiculous how similar their behaviors are…But then again, they are from the same family, after all.
Related: Big Cats Are As Beautiful As They Are Fascinating to Watch
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Share this video with anyone you loves funny and fun animals.
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These Fortune Cookies Will Make You Howl With Laughter
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