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15 Perfectly Timed Photos That Will Have You In Splits

To take a good picture, you sometimes need to make tens of staged shots. On luckier days, one well-timed shot is all it takes to get the perfect picture. For example, when you take a picture of your brother swimming, and he ends up looking like a mysterious sea creature from a fantasy movie. This is just one of the things you are about to see in the photo collection below. All of these confusing photos were snapped at just the right millisecond. You'll have to look twice to understand what's going on, and then burst into laughter.

1. The wind and sunlight made this man's head look as if it's on fire.
Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos man on fire

2. Are his legs in the cart? Look again...
Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos cart

3. Where is the rest of the camel?!
Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos camel

Related: These Amazing Well-Timed Photos Will Make You Look Twice!

4. Flattering swimming photos are not so easy to take...
Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos swimming

5. “The reflection of the lamp gives my glasses eyeballs.”
Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos glasses

6. The ceiling lamp reflecting in the window looks as though it's floating in the sky.
Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos lamp in the sky

Related: 20 Pictures That Are Sure to Make You Stop and Wonder

7. Do you see the "giant chocolate chip cookie" reflecting in the metal bowl?Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos cookies

8. It's not a tornado, just some melting ice from the porch roofHilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos tornado

9.  “Asked my husband to take a photo of me with one of our new peeps.”Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos bird eye

Related: How Did They Capture These?

10. What a sight - a bolt of lightning hitting a building through a cloudHilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos lightning

11. This hot air balloon connects the mountains perfectlyHilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos hot air balloon

12. “I found a turtle that matches my tattoo.”Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos turtle

13. This kitty is perfectly blending into the couchHilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos cat

14. “I somehow managed to take this photo at the exact moment the bird jumped on my table!"Hilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos bird jumping

15. The arms of these two brothers appear to have fused togetherHilarious and Interesting Perfectly Timed Photos fused arm

H/T: Bright Side, Reddit

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