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15 Cats Caught Being Mean and Proud of It

Yes, cats can be awesome. They can be loving, funny, and cute, but let’s face it. Even the most enthusiastic cat lovers would have to agree, cats also have the tendency to be...mean. A cat would do something naughty, knowing full well they shouldn’t, and look you right in the eyes while doing it. It’s part of their cat charm. Just like teenagers, cats might act out because they’ve got too much pent up energy or want some attention. Whatever the reason, sometimes their mischievous acts are too hilarious to even annoy the owners. The photo collection below contains some truly funny mean-cat moments.

1. "Yelled at him for being on the counter, now he's taunting me."
15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, touching the counter

Image Source: Bored Panda

2. He’s on a diet. It’s not going great.

15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, knocking the bin over

Image Source: Reddit

3. Allie is above reading signs.15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, sitting on the cake

Image Source: Twitter

4. Deeply asleep on the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle.15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, sleeping on a puzzle piece

Image Source: Reddit

5. "My cat fell asleep in my salad."15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, sleeping in the salad

6. That cat must have been looking straight at the painter the whole time...15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, fresh paint

Image Source: Reddit

7. This sign tells a thousand-word story.15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, this cat is not stuck

Image Source: Reddit

8. Steve just had to 'fix' the paintings.15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, tilting the photos

Image Source: Reddit

9. Sorry, this step must be skipped.15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, lying on the stairs

Image Source: Reddit

10. The egg thief was finally caught!15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, stealing food

Image Source: Twitter

11. Working from home isn't so simple when there's a cat around...15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, biting the laptop

12. Seems like the situation got out of hand.15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, messing up the toilet paper

Image Source: Reddit

13. I spent a week on this puzzle...15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, knocking over puzzle

Image Source: Reddit

14. No human is going to stop him from having pizza!15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, pizza

Image Source: Reddit

15. Clean me now.15 Times Cats Were Being Hilariously Mean, dirty cat

Image Source: Twitter
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