One of the many wondrous abilities of felines is making themselves at home anywhere and everywhere... And we do mean absolutely anywhere. Inside nooks that are clearly too small or literally on their owners' heads, cats can be comfortable, or at least look like they are, in places most other pets would not.
Not only is this phenomenon interesting it can also be unbelievably funny. Spotting your cat in a cereal box, in the sink, in a flowerpot, or right in your pocket always makes for a fun moment, and a few generous cat owners decided to share those moments with the world. So without further ado, here are 14 cats in places where they have no business being...
Related: Hilarious Felines - These Cats Sit Where They Can Fit
Related: Adorable: "I Want to Hug My Cat But It Won’t Let Me!!!"
Related: These Cats Would Sleep Literally Anywhere But Their Beds
Share these adorable images with someone who needs a good laugh!
Why Do Cats Like Catnip?
Are they really getting "high," or is there scientific logic behind cats' love of catnip?
These Photos Prove Dogs Are The FUNNIEST Pets In Existence
Whether they're caught trying to steal a snack or desperately resisting bath time, dogs never fail to put a smile on our faces. Check out these funny dog moments!
Get Ready For Some Unusually LARGE Pets
If you think your cat or dog did a lot of growing since you first adopted them, wait till you see these extra-large (and extra cute) pets!
These Animals Think They Are Human…
Turns out animals and humans aren't all that different. Only when pets act like people, it's 100 times funnier!
14 Pets That Mastered the Art of Camouflage
Wild animals are not the only ones that have mastered the art of blending in with their surroundings - these camouflaged pets are just as good at it!
16 Animals Who Steal the Show Even When They Don’t Mean To
What makes pets so endearing is that they aren't aware of how hilarious they can be, especially when no one expects it...
Hilarious: 15 Signs You Love Coffee Just a Bit Too Much
This is how you can tell if you don't just like coffee, but love it!
Jerry Lewis at His Funniest: Best Comedy Scenes
Enjoy some of the best comedy scenes of Jerry Lewis.
Can't Help But Laugh: Awful Puns Ahead
All you need to smile today is this collection of hilarious animal jokes and puns.
12 Funny Moments of People Taking Distancing a Bit Too Far
Some people take precautionary steps against coronavirus a tad too far, and in the most creative ways too. If there’s no escaping it, we may as well find the funny side!
Construction Fails Around the House Are Just Hilarious
It seems like no-one is hiring builders and handymen these days, and this is evidenced by photos such as these! Here are 15 of the latest construction fails.
Horses Being Dramatic & Funny for 8 Hilarious Minutes!
Watch these horses do the funniest things.
Hilarious: The Funniest Good Morning Quotes in History
Mornings aren’t for everyone. Here are some funny good morning quotes you will relate to.
Would You Dare to Wear Something Like This on Halloween?
It's that time of year again when everyone is looking to come up with the creepiest costume of all. Here are 15 of the best Halloween costumes that daring couples have pulled off.
These Guys Have Some WEIRD Choices in Christmas Sweaters!
Some people just have bizarre tastes when it comes to Christmas sweaters.
The Vengeful Car - Hilarious Prank!
A girl asks random men to help push her car, obviously they all jump at the occasion to look all manly and full of good intentions. Unfortunately, it turns out the woman's car can not only drive itself, but is hungry to get his revenge on his owner!
These Funny Cartoons Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile
Enjoy this humorous collection of single-panel comics by Harry Bliss.
Hilarious: 16 Absolutely Laugh-Worthy Construction Blunders
These construction fails will make you question everything.
Hilarious Language Humor: 18 Funny Translation Fails
These translation fails are just ridiculously funny.
Hilarious Quotes About the Quirks of Getting Older
Don't fear the grey hair! Just enjoy these hilarious quotes about getting older.
Ahoy There! Hilarious Boat Names That Set Sail on Laughter
Enjoy this hilarious collection of hilariously punny boat names.
Are You Old? You'll Know It If...
There is some debate about when you can actually be considered old. Let's make it real simple. If you find these funny, you are probably old...
16 Hilarious Examples of Translation Gone Horribly Wrong
These hilariously terrible translation fails will give you a good chuckle.
Seniors Win: Teaching Some Drivers a Valuable Lesson!
You better learn some patience with dealing with these elders!
HILARIOUS: These Pets are Real Drama Queens!
Just like humans, some pets throw tantrums when they want attention. Just look at these 12 hilarious four-legged drama queens.
The Funniest Animal Videos of 2024 are Here!
The funniest and cutest animal videos of 2024
Funny: Young People Don't Have Damn a Clue About Aging!
This hilarious stand-up bit really hits home on the subject of aging, and how young people really don't get it...
Kidding in the Rain: A Collection of Rainy-Day Pranks!
A hilarious collection of pranks by just for laughs focusing on rainy days.
Hand These Guys a Towel and Get Ready to Laugh!
This hilarious performance involves two young Frenchmen who have just a towel apiece to preserve their modesty. Watch this side-splitting performance.
These One Page Comics Will Make You Burst Out Laughing!
Lonnie Easterling has been drawing hilarious "Spud Comics" for nearly a decade now. Here are twenty of our favorite ones.
22 Bizarre Tourist Complaints That’ll Make You Laugh
These 22 unbelievable tourist complaints are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud!
Hilarious: When It's Just Not Your Day...
These photos show spectacularly awful things that can happen to anyone. Let’s hope there was someone to give them a big hug afterwards.
Need a Smile? These Hilarious Animals Will Bring It Out!
Simply put - there's no funnier comedy than animal comedy!
HILARIOUS: Are These People Fools or Geniuses?
Some people have a really creative way of fixing a problem, and I do mean REALLY creative...
Hilarious: These Inventions are Proof We’ve Given Up Trying
These products are taking our laziness game to astronomical levels.
The Lighter Side of Love: 18 Funny Valentine’s Day Quotes
Love is a serious matter, but it’s good to have some humor about it sometimes.
Quirky Shop Signs That’ll Leave You Smiling
These shop signs prove that many shopkeepers still have a healthy sense of humor!
Silly Signage: Visual Jokes You Can't Unsee
We've never met a funny sign we did not like, but these 16 signs and announcements are extremely confusing...
20 Weird Pictures of Things That Happen Only In India
Things are a little different in India...
This Magician Pulls Off the Most Insane Tricks
Forget about pulling rabbits out of hats, this magician pulls off the most insane tricks.
These Witty Rejoinders Just Gave Me a Big Grin!
These zingers come from the mischievous mouths of history's most loved celebrities. Prepare to laugh.
Relatable Humor: Summer Woes in 18 Hilarious Comics
These comics perfectly capture summer's sweatiest, most annoying moments.
These Cartoons Will Make You Laugh and Think...
This artist has an incredible knack for capturing the ironies and paradoxes arising from the use of technology in the modern world. View his illustrations here.
16 Funny Signs Runners Didn't Know They Needed to See
These marathon signs prove humor can go the distance.
Hilarious: 15 Witty Bar and Restaurant Signs
These bars and restaurants deserve a visit just for their funny signs.
Hilarious: Time to Laugh at Some Fresh Cartoons!
Forget everything today and just enjoy these hilarious one-panel comics by Mark Lynch.