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14 Hilarious Animal Moments Caught on Camera

People may be great at stand up comedy, but no one does spontaneous physical comedy like animals. Whether in the wild, in your backyard or even in your living room, animals have a way of making you laugh. And you know what they say about laughter being the best medicine. So if you have your camera out at just the right moment, you can share this “medicine” with the rest of the world. Here are some animals that took the comedy gold just in time for it to be captured on camera. 


1. Yep, it’s a perfect fit 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, squirrel in bird house


2. The true purpose of hoods

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, cat in woman's sweatshirt hood



3. Hi-Yo, ribbit! Awaaay! 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, frog on a plastic horse


4. This swing makes me feel like superman

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, white dog in a blue seat swing



5. Excuse me. You’ve got a mini version of you ... on you! 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, lizard with smaller lizard on its forehead



6. I’m thirsty, okay! Keep it comin’. 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, young girl spraying water into a dogs mouth with a hose



7. Welcome to my castle. 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, cat sitting belly up on sofa with plate of drinks in front of him



8. Anybody got a lighter? 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, crab holding a cigarette butt



9. This could be us someday

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, two lizards watching jurassic park on phone



10. My snowdog is complete!

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, body of a snowman with the head of a real dog



11. How did the world move? 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, dog on small steps a few feet from the sofa



12. All nice and warm for the winter

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, dog in a shrunken wool shirt



13. It appears there are no nuts in here. 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, squirrel climbing on a babies head



14. Anybody in the mood for a fishing trip? 

funny and odd pictures of animals and their antics, bear in a broken down fishing boat next to a river or pond


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