We have shown you plenty of funny signs in the past. This time, we decided to do something a little different. In this collection of signs, you will see some bizarre messages people were forced to put up to call out terrible behavior. From imploring someone to return their stolen doormat to requesting people not to wash their feet in the water fountain, these signs will make you wonder how weird humans can be.
The fact that people were forced to put up these messages is both sad and ridiculous.
FUNNY: When Signs Use Humor to Grab Attention Perfectly
These signs don’t just give instructions—they entertain at the same time.
Hilarious: These Funny Restaurant Signs Cracked People Up
Whenever people drove by these fast food joints, they were stopped in their tracks by their hilarious signs. Take a look.
We Challenge You to Figure Out What These Messages Mean
These ridiculously funny linguistic fails will make you laugh.
16 Times People Came Across Some Truly Inexplicable Signs
Check out these 16 unintentionally funny signs. They will crack you up!
These Weird Road Signs Will Make You Laugh!
These outrageously funny street signs are certainly worth slowing down for!
This Naughty Policeman Prank Is Utterly Hysterical!
This hilarious prank involves a naughty policeman, his enraged wife and a few innocent bystanders. What's for certain is that it's downright hysterical!
Hilarious: The Funniest Wedding Cake Toppings!
These wedding cakes toppers show weddings don’t have to be somber affairs and that couples have a sense of humor when they choose their cakes.
Wisdom and Humor Only Seniors Will Understand!
If you're over the age of 60, you'll definitely be able to relate to these light-hearted statements.
16 Hilarious Panorama Fails That Are So Bad They're Good
Sometimes panoramic photos can turn out to be hilariously bad.
Hilarious: If You Love English You'll Love These Puns!
We’ve collected 14 side-splitting jokes and puns that highlight common grammatical mistakes, contain clever twists on words, and more!
Watch Buster Keaton's Hilarious Antics in This Funny Short
Enjoy Buster Keaton's classic 1920 short "One Week" now in glorious color!
Comic Fun: Who Knew Snowmen Could Be This Funny?
These comics prove that snowmen can be so hilarious.
I Was in a Bad Mood Until I Saw These Signs - 15 Pics
It’s time for a hilariously new collection of funny signs.
These Funny Illustrations Show What Life Is Like With Kids!
Jim Benton is a cartoonist and illustrator who has managed to capture life with young kids perfectly. Take a look at his hilarious drawings.
These Mistranslations Had Us Laughing All Day
These translation fails were too funny not to share.
Hilarious: Never Leave a Baby Alone With Dada!
These funny short clips show us what happens when you leave daddy alone with the baby.
16 Clever One-Panel Comics That'll Crack You Up!
Check out these humorous one-panel comics by cartoonist Jeff Swenson.
These Hilarious Drawings are All About Punny Time
A great collection of illustrated visual puns that will make you smile, giggle and laugh.
Classic Comedy: How to Keep a Man Focused!
A hilarious skit showing the fastest way to re-capture a man's wandering attention...
The Humor of Einstein: Hilarious Quotes You've Never Heard
These quotes prove Albert Einstein had a funny side too.
I Love Reading These Funny Lines!
There's a grain of truth in every joke. And even as we laugh, the humor helps us remember some truths. Of course, sometimes a funny line... is just a funny line!
The Funniest Examples of Design Gone Horribly Wrong
These are some of the most absurd, head-scratching, and downright hilarious design blunders we've seen.
These Must Be Some of the Funniest Construction Mistakes
These hilarious construction fails and errors will leave you laughing and wondering what these builders were thinking.
These Witty Signboards Will Make Certainly You Chuckle!
Signboards that we see everyday are mostly forgettable. However, here is a collection of the wittiest signboards with some great messages.
Just for Laughs: The Hilarious Magnetic Beer Prank!
Watch this hilarious prank video where a guy supposedly moves a glass of beer through magic!
Hilarious: Cats are Some of the Funniest Creatures
Prepare for a foray into the delightful absurdity of living with cats.
The Ultimate List of Funny Christmas Jokes for 2024
These Christmas jokes are all you need for a humor-filled season.
Have You Seen These Hilarious Sibling Rivalry Pics Before?
When brothers and sisters get into a fight, it can result in some really funny situations. These 22 photos will have you in utter stitches.
If You Haven't Heard This Bad Memory Song, You Need To!
This hilarious song reminds us all what's funny about bad memory. After all, it's better to laugh than cry!
Only Grammar Nerds Will Appreciate These Jokes
These grammar jokes are guaranteed to tickle your funny bone.
These Unintentionally Funny Signs Are Comedy Gold
These sign fails are comedy gold you didn’t expect.
Hilarious: It's Not Easy Being a Criminal...
When it comes to the perfect crime, these fumbling fools couldn't fail more miserably.
Tired of Inspiration Quotes? Try These Funny Posters
Enough of motivational quotes! Now, try some of these funny “demotivational” posters.
Hilarious & Shocking Photos Show Us Why Women Live Longer
Women usually live longer than men and the following photographs show exactly why! Take a look!
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
18 Cat Cartoons That Will Brighten Your Day!
Enjoy a new collection of cat comics by cartoonist Mark Parisi.
Laugh with These Mom Jokes That Are Pure Comedy Gold
These mom jokes are so funny, you can't stop laughing.
Hilarious: Some Translations are Too Funny to Correct!
When you're running a business in some far-off land, there's no excuse for not using Google Translate to make a sign. These disastrous results are hilarious!
This Prank Compilation is All You'll Need to Smile Today
Just for laughs gives us a great compilation video of elevator pranks.
Classic Comedy: Mr. Bean and the Judo Lesson!
Mr. Bean tries his hand at martial arts, with hilarious results.
A Nostalgic Yet Funny Routine by George Carlin Circa 1965
Today we know him as one of the mot successful comedians but, in 1965 George Carlin was only starting his career. This stand up routine might get you motalgic...
Hilarious: How Weirs is the English Language?
English is a really funny language, especially when considering how meanings can be changed when punctuation's omitted. Take a look at these 9 hysterical memes.
Canada in 23 Hilarious Photos of Pros and Cons
Enjoy these 23 hysterical photos about all things Canadian...
Hilarious: If You Love English You'll Love These Puns!
We’ve collected 14 side-splitting jokes and puns that highlight common grammatical mistakes, contain clever twists on words, and more!
Watch Buster Keaton's Hilarious Antics in This Funny Short
Enjoy Buster Keaton's classic 1920 short "One Week" now in glorious color!
Comic Fun: Who Knew Snowmen Could Be This Funny?
These comics prove that snowmen can be so hilarious.
I Was in a Bad Mood Until I Saw These Signs - 15 Pics
It’s time for a hilariously new collection of funny signs.
Signs That Aren't Meant to Be Translated Except For Laughs!
These brilliant signs presumably have more accurate meanings when read in their own language, but in English, they're just hilarious!
Hilarious: When Timing and Comedy Team Up!
Comedy is all about timing and these photos are the perfect example for it!
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