These One Frame Comics Are Guaranteed To Brighten Your Day
Sometimes, a single panel of a comic strip can contain so much wit and humor, and these one frame cartoons certainly prove it!
The Funniest Videos are Shot Right at Home!
These hilarious videos are all winners of the Funniest Home Videos Awards!
20 Hilarious Comics Filled With Wit, Fun, and Humor!
These hilarious comic strips by legendary cartoonist Mark Parisi are guaranteed to make you chuckle.
These Dry-humored Comic Strips Are Utterly Brilliant
If you've never seen Pie Comic by John McNamee before, then you need to take a look at this post. His comic strips are hilarious!
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
Hilarious: Uncle Ted's Running Around Scaring the Kids
When a married man arrives home early from work, the last thing he wants to find is a household in chaos. It turns out Uncle Ted is to blame...
Brilliant! Now THAT'S What I Call Perfect Comic Timing!
Michael Davis's juggling is something out of the ordinary. Be warned, you may find this peformance ridiculously hilarious.
How to Make Sure a Telemarketer Never Calls Again!
If you're like me, you are sick of telemarketers. Here's how you can make sure they NEVER call again...
Gag Video: When a Cop Ruined a Poor Kid’s Birthday Party
This little kid was enjoying his birthday celebrations when a "police officer" decided to crash it...
When Disaster Strikes, Think Outside the Box – 14 Pics
These people took storm prep to another level.
Is Your Body Not What It Used To Be? Join Us in Song!
This hilarious song has come to tell you not to be ashamed of your body.
The Funny, Odd and Wacky Things Kids Say - 20 Quotes
Kids can say the funniest, oddest, or the most unintentionally profound things sometimes. Here are 20 hilarious and wholesome examples from real life.
These Rude 'Chinese' Proverbs Got Me Laughing
Ok, so they may not really be Chinese, but they are certainly funny!
Beat the Heat With Some Great Humor!
These 18 funny and empowering pictures will show you how people were trying to fight off this year's massive heatwave all across the globe.
Laughter is Just a Click Away...(18 One-Frame Funnies)
Add some laughter to your week with these hilarious horror-themed comics by the legendary Mark Parisi.
Laugh Out Loud at These 15 Epic Design Fails
When it comes to terrible ideas, the human race often ends up coming out on top as these photos prove!
Hilarious: 16 Sarcastic Daily Affirmations!
Sometimes, being overly positive doesn’t help. But a little bit of humor does.
21 Single-Panel Comics That Deliver the Laughs
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-frame comics by Doug Hill.
15 Hilarious Photos Taken a Second Before Disaster
A series of photos happening just before disaster strikes.
12 Hilarious Newspaper Blunders That Had Us Chuckling
These newspaper blunders are unfortunate, but very funny!
Hilarious Signs We Just Can't Understand
If you thought that the previous “bad English” sign fails we posted were funny, wait until you see these 20 hilarious signs!
Hilarious: 15 Signs You Love Coffee Just a Bit Too Much
This is how you can tell if you don't just like coffee, but love it!
Is This The Most Hilarious Gag Compilation Ever?
Is this the best compilation of gags ever? We certainly think so! Check them out in this hilarious video, and see if you agree with us.
These 16 Hilarious Pics Are So Scandinavia
Scandinavia is carefree, overly nice, with high taxation and low temperatures. Kind of like a European Canada.
The Funniest Vehicle Hauls I've Ever Seen...
These vehicles are taking on a little more than they can manage.
Outrageous Food Flavors That Defy Logic (14 Pics)
These hilarious flavored foods will surprise you.
These Hilarious Drawings are All About Punny Time
A great collection of illustrated visual puns that will make you smile, giggle and laugh.
It’s Time for Your Weekly Dose of Hilarious Cartoons!
Enjoy this hilarious collection of minimalist one-panel comics by Jon Adams.
18 Funny Cartoons That Nail the Perfect Punchline
Enjoy this hilarious collection of one-panel comics by New Yorker cartoonist Tommy Siegel
Even Celebrities Go Through an Awkward Phase...
A list of 12 celebrity prom photos from the past
Classic Comedy: Mr Bean Is the Ultimate Hopeless Romantic
I always considered myself a hopeless romantic, that is until I saw how Mr. Bean's big date went.
Lost in Translation: Laugh-Out-Loud Fails
These translation fails from different languages will have you rolling on the floor with laughter.
This Simon's Cat Collection is All You Need for Smile Today!
Created by Simon Tofield in 2008, Simon's Cat is on a constant mission to get fed. Enjoy this hilarious collection of 16 of his most famous escapades.
This Hilarious Seminar Teaches Couples All About Humor!
Marriage counselling is not for me - I prefer a bit of common sense to help my relationship along. That's why I loved this funny seminar by Mark Gungor.
I Can't Stop Laughing at These Funny Husbands
Check out these 12 examples of husbands and boyfriends being absolutely hilarious.
These One-Panel Comics are Devilishly Clever
Enjoy this hilarious collection of single-panel comics by cartoonist Ian Boothby.
Hilarious: A Punny Sign Collection!
What could be better than a mixture of funny signs and clever puns? If that sounds intriguing, you simply must check out these hilarious signs!
Hilarious: This is Why We Love Kids...
There are a number of reasons we love kids! It isn't just because they laugh out loud most of the time or look great in photos - they also make us laugh...
Hilarious: Mother Versus Father, Who Does it Better?
When it comes to parenting, who does it better, mothers or fathers?
Hilarious: Ahhhm... That's NOT What I Ordered...
These are some serious shopping fails. I don't know whether to play the customers or the companies. So let's just laugh at both!
Hysterical - Wild Animals Being Real Comedians!
Who said all wildlife photos had to be majestic and serious? You have to see these 18 hysterical wildlife moments!
These Wholesome Comics Will Make You Feel Cozy Inside
Enjoy these wholesome animal comics by artist Tiff Zhang.
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