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Interactive: 100 Hilarious Animal Puns

Animals and jokes go together like a horse and... a really funny carriage? Animals do make us laugh and when it comes to puns, they are the masters of the genre, with so many great names to use for fun wordplay. In this awesome collection, we have no less than 100 animal puns for you to enjoy! Bookmark this page to keep enjoying them and share it with your friends and little ones! Below you'll find photos with the first half of the pun, click on them to see the answers to these punny animal jokes!
Click The Pictures to See the Answers!
Animal puns: What do you call  a polar bear living in Florida? a solar bearClick Here to switch the photos
Animal puns: What do you call it when one cow spies on another? a steak outClick Here to switch the photos
Animal puns: where do rabbits go after they get married? a bunnymoonClick Here to switch the photos
Animal puns: What do you call a freezing bear? a brrrrClick Here to switch the photos
Animal puns: what did the teddy bear say after finishing dinner? i'm stuffedClick Here to switch the photos
Animal puns: What did the cat order at Taco Bell? a purritoClick Here to switch the photos
Animal puns: What do felines put on to solve problems? their thinking cats
Animal puns: Why are cats scared of trees? because of their bark
Animal puns: what do cats eat on hot days? Mice cream
Animal puns: What do you call a very rude bird? a mockingbird
Animal puns: What do ducks get after they eat? The bill
Animal puns where do sick ducks go? to the ducktor
Animal puns: What do you call a duck that can fix anything? duck tape
Animal puns: Why are horses so kind? Because of their amazing horse-potality
Animal puns: What is a horse's favorite sport? Stable tennis
Animal puns: I went to the zoo today, there was only one animal.. it was a shit-zu!
Animal puns: I watched a documentary about beavers last night.. it was the best dam show ever!
Animal puns: Why did the llamas go extinct? because they didn't survive the "llamagadon"
Animal puns: Wait, what about the alpacas? the "alpacalypse" was also harsh on them.
Animal puns: Why did the rooster cross the road? because he wasn't chicken
Animal puns: What's a snake's favorite subject? Hisss-tory!
Animal puns: What do unicorns call their dad? Popcorn
Animal puns: What do you call a unicorn with no horn? a horse
Animal puns: What did the judge say when the skunk came into his courtroom? "Odor in the court!"
Animal puns: What day do chicken fear the most? fry-days
Animal puns: what do you call  a cow in an earthquake? A milkshake
Animal puns: What is special about the eucalyptus trees in Australia? They have exceptional koala-ties!
Animal puns: What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A Thesaurus
Animal puns: Why are skunks so emotional? They are filled with scent-iments
Animal puns: What do you call a pile of cats? A meowntain
Animal puns: What city has the largest rodent population? Hamsterdam
Animal puns: What do you do if your dog chews a dictionary? take the words out of his mouth
Animal puns: What is black and white and blue? A depressed zebra
Animal puns: What do you give a dog with a fever? Mustard, goes well with a hot dog
Animal puns: What did the shark say when it ate the clownfish? this tastes funny
Animal puns: What does a shark like to eat with peanut butter? A jellyfish
Animal puns: Where do pets go when their tails fall off? The re-tail store
Animal puns: What happens when a frog's car break down? it gets toad away
Animal puns: Why did the elephant quit his job at the factory? it was tired of working for peanuts
Animal puns: What happens when it rains cats and dogs? i don't know, but you can step in a poodle.
Animal puns: How can you make an octopus laugh? You give it a ten-tickles!
Animal puns: How do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear
Animal puns: How does a dog stop a TV show? It presses paws.
Animal puns: If you have a bee in your hand, what do you have in your eye? Beauty, because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder
Animal puns: What has more lives than a cat? A frog, because it croaks every night.
Animal puns: What did the pony say when it had a sore throat? "Do you have any water? i'm a little horse."
Animal puns: I was going to tell you some animal puns about pigs... But they're a little boaring
Animal puns: What do you call a clever duck? A wise quacker
Animal puns: What happens when a duck flies upside down? it quacks up.
Animal puns: What do you call  a cow with no legs? Ground beef
Animal puns: What did the mother cow say to the baby cow? It's pasture bedtime.
Animal puns: What do you call  a pig with three eyes? Piiig.
Animal puns: Why can't you breed an eel with an eagle? Because it's eeleagle.
Animal puns: What do you call a rabbit that has fleas? Bugs bunny
Animal puns: What type of sandals do frogs wear? Open-toad.
Animal puns: What do you call an alligator in a vest? Investigator
Animal puns: What do you get when you sit under a cow? A pat on the head.
Animal puns: What do you call an exploding monkey? A baboom
Animal puns: What do you get if you cross an angry sheep and a moody cow? An animal that's in a baaad moood!
Animal puns: What did the buffalo said to his son when he went off to collage? Bison!
Animal puns: Why are frogs always so happy? They eat whatever bugs them
Animal puns: What kind of bugs live in clocks? Ticks
Animal puns: What do you call an animals you keep in your car? Carpet!
Animal puns: What would bears be without bees? Ears!
Animal puns: What did the seal say when his friend told him a joke? That's the sealiest thing i have ever heard!
Animal puns: What's it called when you shave a crazy sheep? Shear madness!
Animal puns: What's a cheetah's favorite meal? fast food!
Animal puns: What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? A hippo is really heavy, but a zippo is a little lighter.
Animal puns: Did you know that dolphins attack seals for sport? It's almost like they do it on porpoise.
Animal puns: What's the difference between a fish and a piano? You can't tuna fish!
Animal puns: What do you call a cat that throws all the most expensive parties? The Great Catsby.
Animal puns: What do you call a sad pup? Mellon Collie.
Animal puns: What has fangs and webbed feet? Count Duckula
Animal puns: Where does bird royalty live? Duckingham Palace
Animal puns: Why cannot you play football with hippos? They are very hard to tackle.
Animal puns: What kind of ducks steal soap from the bath? Robber ducks!
Animal puns: Where did Noah kept his bees? In his arc-hive
Animal puns: What did the queen bee say to the naughty bee? Beehive yourself!
Animal puns: Where do orcas go to listen to music? The Orca-stra!
Animal puns: What do you call a thieving alligator? A crookodile!
Animal puns: Why are fish so smart? Because they live in schools!
Animal puns: Why are fish so easy to weight? Because they have their own scales!
Animal puns: Why aren't dogs good dancers? Because they have two left feet
Animal puns: What do you call a ghost of a chicken? A poultry-geist
Animal puns: Why couldn't the leopard play hide and seek? Because he was always spotted!
Animal puns: Why did the crab never share? Because it's shellfish!
Animal puns: Why do seals swim in salt water? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!
Animal puns: Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bagels
Animal puns: Where do you find a dog with no legs? Where you left it.
Animal puns: What kind of cat should you never play games with? A cheetah!
Animal puns: How do you stop bear from charging? Take away its credit cards.
Animal puns: What do robins always get at the nest? A worm welcome!
Animal puns: A man was hospitalized with 6 plastic horses inside him... The doctor described his condition as stable.
Animal puns: What do you call a wizard dog? A Labracadabrador!
Animal puns: The problem with invisible cows is... They are herd but they are not seen
Animal puns: What was the goal of the detective duck? To quack the case, of course.
Animal puns: What's a cow eating grass? A lawn mooer.
Animal puns: How does a farmer count cows? With a cow-culator.
Animal puns: Why do cows wear bells? Because their horns don't work!
Animal puns: Why are most horses so slim? Because they are on a stable diet!

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