From time to time, we all need a gentle reminder about how important our family is to us, and what better way is there than through the magical power of poetry? In the video below, you'll find a poem called 'The Family Tree,' which really made us reflect on the way we treat the ones we love, and we're sure that you'll find it just as meaningful too.
True Wealth Isn't Measured by Bank Accounts...
Despite the relentless push by everything around us to convince us of the merits of materialism, true wealth is markedly different. Enjoy this video.
These Tweets About Parenting Will Make You Laugh Out Loud!
We all know that kids say the funniest of things, but what about parents? Well, as the Tweets in this video prove, they say some pretty funny things too.
7 Things Your Kids Will Never Ever Forget About You...
The impression you made on your children and grandchildren is something that they will always love you for. They will never let go of those sweet memories.
7 Things Your Kids Will Never Forget About You...
The impression you made on your children and grandchildren is something that they will always love you for. They will never let go of those sweet memories.
These Parents Have a Great Sense of Humor...
These parents have the best sense of humor about their daily struggles. So stay awhile and crack some smiles!
19 Photos That Prove Every Household Needs a Loving Dog
Watching kids and dogs bond is one of the cutest and most heartwarming sights in the world, as these adorable pictures show...
25 Tips for Better Parenthood All Parents Should Know
In this article, we've gathered 25 simple and effective tips to help you become better parents.
10 Life Lessons We Should Pass to Our Children
Slowly, these lessons will sink into your child’s mind and change the way they think about themselves and see the world.
Spot the 9 Signs of Harmful Family Dynamics
Identify the problematic dynamic in your family from the following 9 types, and note that there may be more than one such dynamic present in the
How to Handle 6 Frustrating Relationship Situations
We've gathered 6 particularly frustrating issues in relationships and some tips to help you solve the problems you’re experiencing – no matter which side you're on.
Children of the Past: Historical Photos of Kids Having Fun
19 Nostalgic photos of children having fun playing outside.
As a Baby Grows, THIS is What It Will See...
It's no secret that babies see the world differently than the rest of us do, and this video will show you just what their visual development looks like.
7 Signs a Child May Be Developing Mental Illness
We have compiled 7 signs that may indicate a mental disorder in children that should not be ignored.
How to Solve These 5 Common Marital Crises
Sooner or later, each couple undergoes one crisis or another that is inevitable. The good news is that we've put together the ways of dealing with them!
14 Photos Proving Grandpas Are the Coolest
These grandpas are the definition of cool.
How to Stop a Crying Baby in Just a Few Seconds
There is nothing worse than a baby that just won't stop crying. Well, thanks to Dr. Hamilton, this problem could now be a thing of the past!
Witness the Love That Fathers Share With Their Daughters
These heartwarming paintings really illustrate the tight bond that fathers share with their daughters.
Another Good Reason to Put the Phone Aside When With Kids
Extensive research on this topic has consistently shown the importance of giving our undivided attention to our children in order for them to learn and grow.
30 Important Questions to Ask Your Parent While You Can
30 questions we should all ask our parents while they are still alive to answer.
You'll Appreciate Mothers a Lot More After Reading This
This wonderful little tale will remind you of how tough the occupation of motherhood can really be.
The Naked Truth Behind Why Men Don't Listen to Women
Have a good look at the 10 biggest reasons why men don't always appear to listen to the women in their lives.
No, They Aren't Identical Twins! They're Mother & Daughter
No, they are not identical twins, but mother and daughter! See if you can guess who of the two is the mother and who is the daughter:
Worn-Out-Mother Syndrome: What You Need to Know
what exactly causes Worn-Out-Mother Syndrome, 8 signs , and what you should do to get back on track and deal with it successfully.
Beautiful: What Kids Should REALLY Be Taught at School!
Children and young teens need to be taught life lessons, that will enable them to be independent and certain, yet respectful.
21 Super Creative Ideas For Fun Activities With Kids!
You don't have to be young to help children develop with these 21 fun activities. See for yourself and help that little darling grow up strong and happy!
Important: How to Tell if a Child is Being Bullied!
Know a child who is being bullied or is doing the bullying? Read through this guide.
40 Questions We Should Ask Every Child
The next time you have a few free minutes with your kids, ask them some of the following 40 questions and listen to their answers
These 5 Holding Positions Can Help a Baby in Many Ways
If you've ever wondered how to help your baby release gas, burp, or even just calm them when they're crying, read this article and learn 5 new holding positions!
Hilarious: Before Being a Parent, and AFTER Being One...
Check out this hilarious photo-compilation of parents before and after children.
Are These Schools the Most Unusual In the Entire World?
Many of us were educated in traditional classrooms, but the same cannot be said for the students at these 14 highly-unusual schools. Learn about them today.
How to Be a Very Good Grandparent: 28 Foolproof Steps
There's plenty of advice out there for parenting, but everyone assumes grandparenting is too simple to be explained - how wrong they are!
How to Get Your Child to be Serious When Appropriate
How do you establish boundaries and make sure your child is behaving seriously at solemn occasions.
This Short Tale Reminds Us of a Person’s True Worth...
A short story that will remind you what a person's true worth is...
There's a Reason Why Women are Sensitive...
When a woman cries, there's always a deeper reason behind it. Sometimes she just needs to let go what's inside of her. See this beautiful story.
How to Prepare Kids Starting at a New School
we've divided our tips into three parts: before, during, and after the transition, to help your children prepare and adapt to new environments more smoothly.
8 Tips for Creating Emotional Security in Relationships
Whether you feel emotionally secure in your relationship or not, it's important that you know the 8 ways that you can create it for you and your partner...
These 10 Tips are Proven to Help Raise Successful Children
We all want to raise successful children, but there are many theories about how to do it. Here are the 10 tips from psychologists, researchers, and consultants.
A Story of a Little Girl and Her Guardian Angels...
This short story will remind you that there is always someone to watch over you in this life...
Improve Your Child's Life By Teaching Them These 15 Things
15 important insights about approach, effort, and the importance of choosing friends, and many more essential things that your children should know.
How to Talk to Your Children About War & Conflict
As parents, how should you explain to your children about war? Here’s a guide that draws on expert opinions and research to help.
Couples Who Stay Together Forever Have 19 Things In Common
Although it looks like everlasting love is but a mere stroke of luck, there are 19 secrets that are shared by all couples that get to experience it...
40 Sentences Every Child Needs to Hear to Succeed in Life
Help your child succeed in life with these 40 sentences.
Develop Your Kid’s Curiosity and Imagination in 40 Questions
Learn how to ask your kids questions that develop their imagination, curiosity, and creativity ...
If a Child Lives with Praise, This Is What He'll Learn...
How should we go about raising our children to be strong, independent and certain of themselves?
How to Identify Rashes on Children's Skin
It is important to be familiar with the following 8 skin problems and to know if there is a need to see a doctor if they appear
7 Styles of Parenting: Is Yours Among Them?
We explore the seven main styles of parenting and how each one may affect children.
10 Things Your Children Don't Need to Know About You
The following 10 "secrets" are recommended not to be revealed to the children so that you can serve as a positive example for them.