Many children tend to sit in this posture, which helps them support the sides of their bodies as they enjoy their activities. Unfortunately, this position may cause untold damage to their growth along the years, due to orthopedic problems, developmental problems and bad control over the body's balance. While sitting in this harmful posture, the child creates the shape of the letter 'W' with his/her legs.
This posture prevents children from sitting with their back straight, which may weaken the back muscles over time.
Instead of them sitting in this way, guide the children to sit with their heels under their buttocks or with their legs crossed on the ground. They can still play and draw as always, but at the same time, they will use their muscles to stabilize their backs instead of using their legs incorrectly.
It may be that the child is more comfortable sitting in this dangerous posture, but when they grow up without back and spine problems such as Scoliosis, they'll thank you for it.
Images courtesy of Depositphotos
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