Some things kids, with their limited understanding and ever growing vocabulary, will say things that an adult would never even think to say, not only funny things, but sometimes also a bit weird, or emberassing, or... completely right! |
Toddlers Are the Funniest Humans!
Nobody makes people laugh more than toddlers, so prepare for a side splitting giggle fest: these are the funniest toddler fails of the year!
The Funny, Odd and Wacky Things Kids Say - 20 Quotes
Kids can say the funniest, oddest, or the most unintentionally profound things sometimes. Here are 20 hilarious and wholesome examples from real life.
These Comics Are So Cute That They're Too Much to Handle
When she's got time off from The Simpsons, Liz Climo turns out the most adorable comic drawings ever. Take a look at these 20-oh-so-cute comics.
Hilarious: American Kids Trying Foreign Breakfasts
When US kids try breakfasts from other countries, things get very funny...and cute!
This Is What Happens When You Leave Your Pets with Kids
These pets are willing to go through any form of play time, so long as it means that their young pal will be happy. Hilarious!
Hilarious White Lies Parents Tell Kids
The white lies some of us were told as kids are the source of some hilarious stories.This list contains some of the best ones we came across.
No, They Aren't Identical Twins! They're Mother & Daughter
No, they are not identical twins, but mother and daughter! See if you can guess who of the two is the mother and who is the daughter:
24 Coloring Pages for Kids Who Love Outer Space!
24 fun and free coloring pages for kids who love science and to color!
8 Tips for Creating Emotional Security in Relationships
Whether you feel emotionally secure in your relationship or not, it's important that you know the 8 ways that you can create it for you and your partner...
7 Signs a Child May Be Developing Mental Illness
We have compiled 7 signs that may indicate a mental disorder in children that should not be ignored.
Improve Your Child's Life By Teaching Them These 15 Things
15 important insights about approach, effort, and the importance of choosing friends, and many more essential things that your children should know.
How to Tell Your Children You Have Cancer
What's the right way to tell your children you have cancer, and are there situations where you shouldn't?
Witness the Love That Fathers Share With Their Daughters
These heartwarming paintings really illustrate the tight bond that fathers share with their daughters.
These "Harmless" Remarks Can Negatively Impact Children
Avoid saying these seemingly innocent phrases around kids; they confuse them.
Calm a Loud Baby by Massaging These 7 Points on their Feet
From tummy pains to constipation and sinuses, applying pressure to these 7 points will help soothe your baby's ailments.
12 Reasons Why Every Kid Should Grow up With a Dog
Dogs are incredibly beneficial to a child's development. Read this list of 12 benefits that children reap when growing up around a dog.
How to Stop a Crying Baby in Just a Few Seconds
There is nothing worse than a baby that just won't stop crying. Well, thanks to Dr. Hamilton, this problem could now be a thing of the past!
Spot the 9 Signs of Harmful Family Dynamics
Identify the problematic dynamic in your family from the following 9 types, and note that there may be more than one such dynamic present in the
Children of the Past: Historical Photos of Kids Having Fun
19 Nostalgic photos of children having fun playing outside.
For a Divorce-Proof Marriage These Tips Are All You Need
Read these words of advice carefully, and write them on your heart!
They Taught Us Our Multiplication Tables All Wrong!
Most multiplication tables are designed really badly, so hardly anyone can learn from them. Read on to see what a real times table looks like.
Children are Capable of So Much More than We Realize...
After seeing this video, you'll never dismiss kids just because of their age.
12 Heartwarming Photos Depicting a Grandma's Love
There's no bond quite like that of grandmothers with their grandchildren. These photos by Sujata Setia capture this special energy.
How to Reconnect with Children who Have Left the Nest
very parent must know the effective ways to connect with their older children, not only to provide them support but also be their friend.
My Beloved Daughter, I Want You to Heed My Advice!
10 things that every parent wants to let their beloved daughter know.
How to Talk to Your Children About War & Conflict
As parents, how should you explain to your children about war? Here’s a guide that draws on expert opinions and research to help.
This Letter Expresses a Parent's Love For Their Child...
This heartwarming letter is definitely one to share with our children and let them know just how much they mean to us.
What Happens When Parents Have a Favorite Child?
What Happens When Parents Have a Favorite Child?
8 Warning Signs in Teens a Parent Should Watch Out For
we've gathered 8 behaviors you should know to fully and correctly assess the state of your children.
5 Types of Damaging Parenting and How to Fix it
Our relationship with our parents affects us throughout our lives and shapes our personality, but sometimes it has a negative effect. Discover more here.
How to Identify Rashes on Children's Skin
It is important to be familiar with the following 8 skin problems and to know if there is a need to see a doctor if they appear
Are These Schools the Most Unusual In the Entire World?
Many of us were educated in traditional classrooms, but the same cannot be said for the students at these 14 highly-unusual schools. Learn about them today.
9 Tips for Preventing Your Children's Bedwetting
Follow these 9 tips that can help you free your child from that frustrating nightly bedwetting.
7 Daily Habits that Cause Couples to Fights
If you've gotten into the habit of doing the following 7 things, know that they are responsible for 90% of your biggest fights, and you should learn how to curb those reactions.
5 Vaccinations Every Grandparent Should Get
As a grandparent, you may wonder what vaccinations you need to take to make sure your grandkids are safe.
Most Parents Really Regret Making These Parenting Mistakes
For a little extra help for the always-busy parent, we compiled 10 common parenting mistakes and their fixes according to developmental psychologists.
40 Questions We Should Ask Every Child
The next time you have a few free minutes with your kids, ask them some of the following 40 questions and listen to their answers
Childcare Costs Got You Down? Read This!
Childcare on a budget? Yes, it's possible!
Darling Child, Here are 8 ‘Sorrys’ I Meant to Tell You
Dear child, I love you, I always have and I always will, but there are many things I should apologize for. Here are 8 of my 'sorrys'.
5 Tools to Help You Make a Strong, Stable Family
What tools can we use to make our family stronger and less dysfunctional? This article will help you by giving 5 tools to do just that.
Nine Ways Using a Smartphone is Harming Your Child
we have gathered for you the 9 problems that may result from prolonged use of smartphones by your child.
55 Questions You Can Use to Strengthen a Relationship
These questions can be used to start a light to heavy romantic conversation with your partner.
Worn-Out-Mother Syndrome: What You Need to Know
what exactly causes Worn-Out-Mother Syndrome, 8 signs , and what you should do to get back on track and deal with it successfully.
As a Baby Grows, THIS is What It Will See...
It's no secret that babies see the world differently than the rest of us do, and this video will show you just what their visual development looks like.
10 Life Lessons We Should Pass to Our Children
Slowly, these lessons will sink into your child’s mind and change the way they think about themselves and see the world.
WARNING: Don't Let Children Play With These Toys
Today there is a large selection of toys, and although they should be fun some may be real life-threatening, such as those on this list,
How to Be a Very Good Grandparent: 28 Foolproof Steps
There's plenty of advice out there for parenting, but everyone assumes grandparenting is too simple to be explained - how wrong they are!