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How Using a Smartphone is Harming Your Child

Few people are unaware of the amazing capabilities of smartphones to make our lives simpler and safer, especially when it comes to what matters most to us – our children. Thanks to these devices, we can talk to our little ones no matter where they are at any given moment. However, these devices have also become a significant and large part of their lives. A worrying statistic shows that children spend about 7.5 hours a day in front of various screens. So, despite the significant benefits of smartphones, it's also essential to recognize their negative impacts on the younger generation. Therefore, we have gathered for you the 9 problems that may result from prolonged use of smartphones by your child. Read, learn, and share with anyone who has young children or even older ones who might be affected by them.
Problems caused by smartphone use in children: a small child lying on the floor holding a mobile phone

1. May harm the parent-child relationship

It is no secret that the relationship between parents and children is crucial, so it's essential to heed the psychologists who claim that prolonged use of mobile phones may damage this relationship. For example, in one of her books, clinical psychiatrist Jean Twenge notes that excessive mobile phone use among children leads to a lack of communication between the younger generation and their parents, ultimately damaging their relationship.
Twenge explains that even though children spend more time under the same roof as their parents, they are not really close to their fathers or mothers. They don't talk to their families and don't pay attention to the events around them, focusing instead on "likes" and "comments" on social networks. If your child behaves this way, you'll find in the next article wonderful tips from a parenting coach that will help you communicate with them correctly and overcome this challenge.

2. May lead to desensitization

Smartphones open a gateway to the broader world thanks to the tools and advice we can find in them and across the web, which may help us at work or even in relationships. However, there is also a dark side to this wonderful tool, which includes violence, bullying, crude content, and a range of unpleasant aspects. A study conducted in 2011 proved that exposure to dark and other harmful content negatively affects children and their judgment, sometimes leading them to apply what they see online in their own lives. If you're dealing with such a problem with your child and want to wisely address behavior issues resulting from smartphone use, you're invited to read the next article.
Problems caused by smartphone use in children: child resting head on a windowsill while it's raining outside

3. May alter the maturation process

Back in the day, during our teenage years, most of us wanted to grow up because we thought that adult life was full of pleasures and limitless possibilities. We believed we could do whatever we wanted with whoever we wanted, buy all the food in the world, wear designer shoes, and dress however we pleased. We could even get into our private car and drive anywhere. Although the desire to grow up was strong during those cheerful days, today's teenagers seem less interested in the maturation process, partly due to excessive smartphone use and exposure to social media.
In fact, a 2017 study examining maturation processes between 1976 and 2016 revealed that today's teenagers prefer a slower lifestyle: they are less likely to engage in adult activities like working for pay, living independently of their parents, driving, and more. These findings demonstrate that smartphones also affect relatively older children, and if you notice such tendencies in your children, it's worth checking out the next article, which offers 11 tips from teenagers to help you understand what's really important to them.

4. May hinder social skills development

In the past, when we wanted to build friendships or romantic relationships, we would go out to cafes, restaurants, pubs, and the like to meet new people. Today, thanks to or perhaps because of smartphones, there's no need to leave the house. According to Jean Twenge, today's teenagers are indeed less likely to put down their electronic devices in favor of seeking real-life social connections outside the home.
In fact, she explains that sometimes children don't need to leave the house at all since smartphones have made the path to making friends easier and closer than ever, with just a few clicks. As a result, many children experience significant and complex social difficulties when they're in the real world rather than behind a keyboard and screen. If you notice that your child struggles with this reality and want to help them overcome it, check out the next guide to learn the essential skills they need to succeed and thrive.
Problems caused by smartphone use in children: child sitting on a staircase holding a phone

5. May cause depression and anxiety

While this might seem unlikely, the chances of your child experiencing depression, anxiety, and other issues due to smartphone use are significantly higher. This claim was made as early as 2015 by the British Psychological Society (BPS). There are several good reasons for the link between smartphone use and such negative outcomes: children are under constant pressure to be available and respond at any given moment, leading to emotional over-involvement in their online lives. Moreover, the younger generation often struggles to distinguish between the real world and the world of social media. Trying to determine if your child is experiencing such anxiety? Click here to recognize the warning signs and learn how to address the issue.

6. May negatively affect sleep quality

We all understand the importance of sleep, as the amount of time we dedicate to it directly impacts our mood and daily functioning. A study published in 2015 concluded that there is a strong and direct link between prolonged smartphone use and insufficient sleep among children. Sleep deprivation is a leading cause of various health and behavioral issues; a 2017 study found that lack of sleep results in poor school performance, risky behavior, and reduced cognitive function. Therefore, remember that your child needs proper rest to be ready for the next day's activities. It's advisable to establish rules about phone use after a certain hour and in bed. In the next article, you'll learn how to help your child get a good night's sleep.
Problems caused by smartphone use in children: girl lying on a bed with headphones

7. May contribute to obesity

We all love to look good and feel great about our bodies, and many children feel the same. However, prolonged smartphone use can be a strong negative factor when it comes to childhood obesity. A 2017 study revealed that prolonged use of various modern communication and entertainment media, including smartphones, is directly linked to drinking sugary drinks, lack of sleep, and lack of physical activity – all of which can eventually lead to obesity.
The study's results are not surprising, as if your child spends a lot of time with a smartphone in hand, they have less time for physical activity. Moreover, the same study found that increased smartphone screen time is significantly associated with consuming at least one sugary drink per day. If you're concerned about this effect on your child, use the next article to have a healthy and productive conversation with them about weight and dieting.

8. May cause behavioral issues

Similar to the sections on the link between excessive smartphone use and the development of anxiety, depression, social skill disruptions, and more, it turns out that such use of smartphones is also a significant factor in developing other behavioral issues. A study published in 2012 found a direct link between the development of behavioral problems in young children (aged 7) and early exposure to smartphones. Furthermore, the researchers found that prolonged smartphone use can lead to symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Click here to learn about 7 problematic behaviors in children that should not be ignored and discover how you can address them.
Problems caused by smartphone use in children: girl and mom sitting together and looking at a computer

9. May cause children to be unhappy

We all want our children to be happy, but this is at risk if they continue to spend too much time on smartphones. According to a survey conducted by Jean Twenge, many teenagers who reported frequent engagement with various screen activities tended to be more unhappy. During the survey, different teenagers were asked to rate their happiness levels, and their responses were directly related to their leisure time activities – particularly screen time on computers, televisions, and smartphones.
This is direct evidence that online time cannot replace real-life interpersonal interaction with family and friends, especially for children. Want to raise a happy child? Click here to learn everything you need to know on the subject according to science.
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