The shocking comparison seen above reveals that the regular child's brain is significantly larger and contains fewer dark areas than that of the neglected child's one. Leading neurologists say that these scans provide further evidence that neglect in a child's early years not only stunts their emotional development, but could also negatively impact the ultimate size of their brains.
At a glance, many might believe that the scan on the right comes from a child who may have suffered a severe accident or sickness, however, all of the evidence shows that it is simply the result of neglect and child abuse, and nothing else. According to the researchers, the brain of the child on the right now lacks some of the most fundamental components that should have already developed.
They also said that it is highly likely that the child on the left will be far more intelligent and emotionally-sensitive than the child on the right. In contrast, the child on the right has a much higher chance of being involved in violent crime, becoming addicted to harmful drugs, being unable to find employment, and possibly even being more dependent on government benefits for a large portion of his life. Additionally, this unfortunate child will also be more likely to develop mental illnesses and other damaging conditions throughout the course of his life.
Professor Allan Schore, from Los Angeles' University of California, says that for the first two years of their existence, babies rely on having a strong maternal bond in order for their brains to develop in a healthy manner. This is due to the fact that around 80% of brain cells grow during the first two years of human life, and that's why babies who aren't allowed to properly develop their brains may continue to be affected for the rest of their lives.
What's more, researchers have also found that this type of brain damage gets more severe depending on how badly a mother neglects her child. While many people would imagine that something like this could be easily avoided, researchers believe that there's no simple solution to preventing such neglect from occurring. This is because childhood neglect has been found to be vicious cycle due to the high chance of neglectful parents having been neglected in the past, thus not having a fully-developed brain either.
However, past research has proved to a degree that such cycles can actually be overcome if early intervention takes place and the families involved are adequately supported. In this way, more children will be able to have access to a better quality of life, growing up to become smarter and more empathetic individuals.
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