What is the difference between a white lie and a lie-lie? It’s not a rare occurrence that parents lie to their children in order to get them to behave a certain way or to support the belief in magical beings like Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. Is that really so wrong? Opinions on the matter are split. According to some child care experts, if a child catches a parent in a lie, it is very important that the parent owns up to it and makes up for it. If you’re trying to teach your child lying is wrong you have to admit it’s also wrong when adults do it.
Harmless or not, the white lies some of us believed as kids are the source of some hilarious stories. This list contains some of the best ones we came across. Not only is it funny, but it might also be a fun throwback to your own childhood because apparently, some parent lies are just classics.
Related Article: 20 Funny Pictures Of Parents Who Are Great at Their Job
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