Nothing makes me smile more than my family. Sometimes they drive me crazy, most days they drive me nuts, but I can’t think of a life without them. Here are some quotes and pictures that make me think of my family, both loving and funny. |
14 Photos Proving Humor Makes a Relationship Stronger
Relationships are not always simple, but laughing together make is priceless. Take a look at these hilarious and adorable relationship moments.
Hilarious: Never Leave a Baby Alone With Dada!
These funny short clips show us what happens when you leave daddy alone with the baby.
For Proof of True Love, Look to the Animal Kingdom
These heart-warming pictures will remind you that love is all around you in the world.
Mother, I Want You to Know This Special Day Is About You
Send a greeting card to all the mothers you know, wishing them a Happy Mother's Day!
These Perfect Words From Robert Frost Aren’t in Any Poems
Poets like Robert Frost don't limit their powerful words to their poems, they share them with the world every chance they get.
They May Drive You Crazy, But Family is Family!
Family can drive you crazy but at the end of the day you can't help but love them. Here are some beautiful and funny quotes and pictures to make your day.
Why Children Suck Their Fingers and How to Make It Stop
To aid in understanding and addressing finger sucking, this article discusses why it may happen and how to stop the behavior.
Marriage: 7 Fascinating Studies We Should All Read
7 different studies that shed some light on marriage, and perhaps offer insights and tips that will help you understand your own relationship better.
Most Parents Really Regret Making These Parenting Mistakes
For a little extra help for the always-busy parent, we compiled 10 common parenting mistakes and their fixes according to developmental psychologists.
Important: How to Tell if a Child is Being Bullied!
Know a child who is being bullied or is doing the bullying? Read through this guide.
Does Your Child or Grandchild Sit in This Dangerous Pose?
There is a worrying argument that one of the most common kneeling poses that children make is damaging their health.
Develop Your Kid’s Curiosity and Imagination in 40 Questions
Learn how to ask your kids questions that develop their imagination, curiosity, and creativity ...
12 Heartwarming Photos Depicting a Grandma's Love
There's no bond quite like that of grandmothers with their grandchildren. These photos by Sujata Setia capture this special energy.
Witness the Love That Fathers Share With Their Daughters
These heartwarming paintings really illustrate the tight bond that fathers share with their daughters.
30 Important Questions to Ask Your Parent While You Can
30 questions we should all ask our parents while they are still alive to answer.
10 Worst Things to Say When Talking to Your Grandchildren
In this article, we will look at some of the things you should never say to your grandchildren.
8 Tips to Saving Your Marriage
Today you will learn 8 pieces of advice from experts and relationship counselors.
14 Photos Proving Grandpas Are the Coolest
These grandpas are the definition of cool.
12 Important Body Gestures Babies Make
Get to know what these 12 body gestures babies make mean so you can really understand what your baby wants...
There's a Reason Why Women are Sensitive...
When a woman cries, there's always a deeper reason behind it. Sometimes she just needs to let go what's inside of her. See this beautiful story.
These 11 Phrases Mean the World to Your Adult Kids
Want a better relationship with your adult children? Say these things to them.
55 Things a Loving Man Does for the One He Loves
In order to show that men do express their love, here is a list of 55 things men do to show affection.
7 Daily Habits that Cause Couples to Fights
If you've gotten into the habit of doing the following 7 things, know that they are responsible for 90% of your biggest fights, and you should learn how to curb those reactions.
Beautiful: What Kids Should REALLY Be Taught at School!
Children and young teens need to be taught life lessons, that will enable them to be independent and certain, yet respectful.
15 Wonderful Quotes That Perfectly Describe Grandparents
These beautiful quotes and sayings remind us once again how wonderful a role grandparents play in our lives.
WARNING: Don't Let Children Play With These Toys
Today there is a large selection of toys, and although they should be fun some may be real life-threatening, such as those on this list,
For a Divorce-Proof Marriage These Tips Are All You Need
Read these words of advice carefully, and write them on your heart!
Some Good Advice for Teaching Your Kids How to Learn
Our children learn a lot in school, but some have a hard time studying, task solving, reading instructions or summarizing texts. These 10 tips can help...
A Story of a Little Girl and Her Guardian Angels...
This short story will remind you that there is always someone to watch over you in this life...
How to Be a Very Good Grandparent: 28 Foolproof Steps
There's plenty of advice out there for parenting, but everyone assumes grandparenting is too simple to be explained - how wrong they are!
9 Ways to Help Kids Study Pleasurably, Easily & Memorably
Studying is one of the things people don't often enjoy. That is because they haven't been taught how to study. Here are 9 scientifically proven tips.
99 Ways to Make Sure a Marriage Withstands the Test of Time
if you want a rock solid marriage, one that will go the long haul - Read these words of advice carefully, and write them on your heart!
Are These Schools the Most Unusual In the Entire World?
Many of us were educated in traditional classrooms, but the same cannot be said for the students at these 14 highly-unusual schools. Learn about them today.
Everyone Deserves Self-Care: 6 Easy Tips for Parents
A reminder for parents to take time for themselves. 6 small ways to practice self-care in a parent's busy everyday life.
This Short Tale Reminds Us of a Person’s True Worth...
A short story that will remind you what a person's true worth is...
How Do We See Our Parents Throughout the Years?
From cradle to middle age, this is how we perceive our parents.
How to Reconnect with Children who Have Left the Nest
very parent must know the effective ways to connect with their older children, not only to provide them support but also be their friend.
5 Scientific Reasons Why Kids Need Cuddles Every Day
Scientists found that hugging plays a vital role in a child’s brain development, offers stress relief, and may even change a baby’s genes. Read on to learn more...
10 Things Your Children Don't Need to Know About You
The following 10 "secrets" are recommended not to be revealed to the children so that you can serve as a positive example for them.
Children of the Past: Historical Photos of Kids Having Fun
19 Nostalgic photos of children having fun playing outside.
10 Easy and Fun Drawing Tutorials For Kids and Beginners
If you need a creative activity to keep the little ones engaged, look no further than these 10 fun and easy animal drawing tutorials!
24 Coloring Pages for Kids Who Love Outer Space!
24 fun and free coloring pages for kids who love science and to color!
These 5 Holding Positions Can Help a Baby in Many Ways
If you've ever wondered how to help your baby release gas, burp, or even just calm them when they're crying, read this article and learn 5 new holding positions!
What to Teach Your Children About Love
Nine lessons every parent should teach their children about love.
13 Fun Activities That Help Babies Develop Properly
In the first weeks of life, your baby will usually be busy sleeping and eating. to add some excitement to this routine, do these 13 activities!
The 10 Don'ts of Grandparenting You Must Always Remember
Avoid these common pitfalls of grandparenting to build a strong bond with your grandchild.
Relationship Anxiety: Understanding the Causes & Solutions
If you feel that you’re suffering from relationship anxiety, keep reading to discover the signs, causes, and how to overcome this issue.