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Calm a Fussy Baby by Massaging these Points on their Feet

From tummy pains to constipation, congestion, and the flu, cranky babies can suffer from a variety of ailments, and the only way they know how to express their pain is through crying. Of course, treatments and medications recommended by pediatricians are crucial to follow. However, soothing home remedies, such as the foot reflexology tips we've shared below, make a good addition to your baby's or grandchild's routine.
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Your Guide to Baby Foot Reflexology

Using the tips below will help calm fussy babies. Each area corresponds to specific organs, muscles and body parts. Foot reflexology is known to have soothing, therapeutic effects, even among adults. All it entails is gently applying pressure to specific areas of the foot to help relieve discomfort brought on by congestion and blockage. In comparison to adults, babies are believed to be far more receptive to the different types of reflexology rubs, primarily because the ligaments and muscles in their feet have yet to fully develop. Let's take a look:

Disclaimer: The advice below should not replace a pediatrician's expert medical opinion.

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Benefits: The tips of the toes correspond to the head and the teeth. Massaging this area can be especially helpful when babies are teething. Gently apply pressure to your baby's toes to soothe the pain.
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Benefits: The center of the toes corresponds to the baby's sinuses. Applying pressure to these points will help soothe a runny nose or congestion.
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Benefits: Just below the toes, on the balls of the feet, is the pressure area for the lungs, which can help soothe congestion in babies most likely caused by an infection or a cold. This pressure point makes for a perfect remedy alongside your pediatrician's advice, because, if left untreated, it can lead to difficulties with breathing, eating, and sleeping.
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Benefits: Just below the ball of the foot is the solar plexus point - a complex network of nerves located in the abdomen and behind the stomach. Gently applying pressure to this area can help soothe an upset tummy, spasms, tightness and breathing problems.
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Benefits: Located at the center of the foot soles, massaging this area can help provide relief to obstructed bowels. Accompany it with a gentle tummy rub to get the bowels moving smoothly.
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Benefits: The area located above the heel is associated with the lower abdomen. Pressure can also be applied here to relieve your baby's discomfort from constipation, stimulating the large intestine. This pressure point is especially great for babies who are a little gassy.
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Benefits: The heel corresponds to the pelvic region. Pressure may be applied here if you suspect that your baby's tummy and hips are bothering them. Be sure to rub lightly.


Images: Maya Borenstein

Source: littlethings.com

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