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Animal Tips: 15 Parenting and Relationship Lessons

As humanity has progressed intellectually and technologically, it sometimes feels as though we have lost as much as we have gained... This feeling seems to suggest that we should take a break from our daily routines and thoughts, and return to simple but meaningful acts that are the basis for a successful family and relationship. You’ll find the best examples of this behavior in the animal kingdom, where you can find plenty of special practices and principles that you should definitely know about...

1. Education for success with a security net

2. It takes a village…

3. Mutual responsibility

4. Patience and concern

5. A loyal relationship

animal lessons

6. Finding “the one”

animal lessons

7. Love at first sight – for the children

animal lessons

8. Less talk more action

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9. Giving quality gifts to your partner - for the children

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10. Be who you are

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11. Working together

animal lessons

12. Apologies and forgiveness 

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13. Taking care of the kids

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14. Discipline

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15. Paying full attention to children and maintaining contact with parents

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