The first and one of the most significant relationships in our lives is the one we have with our mothers. We do not always understand them when we are children, but as the years pass and we become parents ourselves, we understand exactly all the sacrifices our mothers (and of course, our fathers) made for us and how much strength it took to give us the best we could receive. The following 9 things clarify exactly how much mothers do for their children without them always being aware of it, and how much love is required to fulfill one of the most challenging roles in the world.

1. She will protect her children whenever they need it
From the moment children come into the world, a protective instinct awakens in mothers, along with a sense of worry. Every mother knows the feeling of fearing for her children's safety, accompanied by strength she never knew she had, meant to protect them. When they get hurt, she stands by them and comforts them. When they come home late from an outing, she waits in front of the TV, claiming there's an interesting program on, yet still wakes up early in the morning to make them food or accompany them. Children find it hard to accept the protection that sometimes seems excessive, but as the years pass, they realize that even when it seemed extreme, their mother's actions were justified. As adults, everyone knows what dangers lurk outside the home and understands that their mother tried and succeeded in shielding them—and for that, they will always be grateful.
6. Her heart breaks when her children cry
Every mother and father knows the painful feeling that strikes them when they see their child shedding tears of sorrow. Even though they know the world isn’t perfect, mothers do everything in their power to prevent their children from crying, and when they fail, their hearts ache deeply at the sight of tears rolling down their child’s cheeks. This sensitivity is something every parent comes to understand when they have children of their own. It allows them to relate to their kids, support them, and appreciate the women who have endured far more pain from every wound or emotional heartbreak.

7. She carries her children far beyond nine months
Every mother will agree that carrying a child doesn’t end when they are born—it only begins. When they are young, a mother learns to juggle holding a child in one arm while managing the day’s tasks with the other. She hugs, kisses, comforts, and holds her little ones close to her warm body. Even as they grow older, becoming more independent and seeking fewer physical embraces, they remain close to their mother’s heart. They are forever imprinted in her soul, and she carries them with her wherever she goes, cherishing them with a love that words cannot fully describe.
8. She watches her children sleep
Every mother knows the sleepless nights when a baby cannot fall asleep or needs to be fed in the middle of the night. Over the years, these nights become less frequent, but they never entirely disappear. When her child is sick, a mother will sit by their bedside all night if necessary, ensuring they are okay and that she is there for them. When they grow up and go out with friends, she waits for them to return home, even if it means staying up all night. Sometimes, she simply watches her children sleep, smiling as she silently thanks the universe for having them in her life. Many people find themselves doing the same when they become parents—smiling quietly with joy and deep understanding of what it means to have a mother who was always there for them, even on the toughest nights.
9. She would do it all over again
Motherhood is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Mothers cry, endure pain, try, fail, work tirelessly, and above all, they learn. All the struggles and overwhelming emotions of motherhood are dwarfed by the love they feel for their children and the fulfillment that comes from watching them grow into independent adults and parents themselves. Despite the exhaustion, the sleepless nights, the sacrifices, and the countless worries, every mother (and father) would gladly do it all over again—because their children are worth everything. This feeling becomes clearer than ever when people bring their own children into the world and experience the highs and lows of parenting. These are the moments when thoughts of their own parents flood their minds, and they finally understand all the incredible things that were done for them...
2. She will always give up the last piece of cake
The sacrifices that fathers and mothers make daily show how much they love their children and only want to see smiles on their faces and know they are happy. This includes giving up beloved things, such as the last piece of cake, which parents gladly forgo because their love for their children is greater than their desire for dessert. They prefer to see their children smile rather than experience a fleeting moment of joy from eating a treat. In both big and small things, mothers willingly give up some of their own desires to make their children happy. As adults, when people realize how much their mother did for them, they are willing to make sacrifices for her in return, to give back even a little of what she gave them.
3. She sheds many tears
A mother’s tears come in many forms and begin with the indescribable joy she feels when she discovers she is pregnant and about to bring life into the world. At the birth she has so eagerly awaited, she sheds tears of pain mixed with joy, which only intensifies when she holds her newborn in her arms. Sometimes she sheds tears of worry for her children, tears of happiness as she watches their first steps, and every time her child hurts, she hurts too. These feelings become more understandable in adulthood when people experience them as parents themselves and realize that parenting brings a vast range of emotions—the most profound of which is love, like the love their mother feels for them and demonstrates time and time again.

4. Being a mother sometimes hurt her
Bringing children into the world comes with many pains that pale in comparison to the love mothers feel for their children. When they are born, they scratch her with their tiny nails and kick her, unaware of their strength or surroundings—it hurts. Mothers experience pain in their children’s infancy and also feel heartache when they see the children they carried for nine months growing independent and needing them less. As their children walk the path toward independence, they often find themselves reconnecting with their mother due to newfound understanding and a desire to be close to the person who understands them best. This strengthens their bond and creates shared experiences that will be fondly remembered for years to come.
5. She knows she’s not perfect
Motherhood brings not only endless love but also deep feelings of self-criticism and guilt. Every mother is her own harshest critic, and even small mistakes make her feel like she might not be good enough. Every mother has regrets etched in her heart—things she wishes she could go back and fix. She knows she is human, but she still wants to be the perfect mother for her children. Sometimes it’s hard for her to forgive herself, but kindness and understanding from others can help ease these feelings and show her that, despite everything, she was the best mother she could be.
6. Her heart breaks when her children cry
Every mother and father knows the painful feeling that strikes them when they see their child shedding tears of sorrow. Even though they know the world isn’t perfect, mothers do everything in their power to prevent their children from crying, and when they fail, their hearts ache deeply at the sight of tears rolling down their child’s cheeks. This sensitivity is something every parent comes to understand when they have children of their own. It allows them to relate to their kids, support them, and appreciate the women who have endured far more pain from every wound or emotional heartbreak.
7. She carries her children far beyond nine months
Every mother will agree that carrying a child doesn’t end when they are born—it only begins. When they are young, a mother learns to juggle holding a child in one arm while managing the day’s tasks with the other. She hugs, kisses, comforts, and holds her little ones close to her warm body. Even as they grow older, becoming more independent and seeking fewer physical embraces, they remain close to their mother’s heart. They are forever imprinted in her soul, and she carries them with her wherever she goes, cherishing them with a love that words cannot fully describe.
8. She watches her children sleep
Every mother knows the sleepless nights when a baby cannot fall asleep or needs to be fed in the middle of the night. Over the years, these nights become less frequent, but they never entirely disappear. When her child is sick, a mother will sit by their bedside all night if necessary, ensuring they are okay and that she is there for them. When they grow up and go out with friends, she waits for them to return home, even if it means staying up all night. Sometimes, she simply watches her children sleep, smiling as she silently thanks the universe for having them in her life. Many people find themselves doing the same when they become parents—smiling quietly with joy and deep understanding of what it means to have a mother who was always there for them, even on the toughest nights.
9. She would do it all over again
Motherhood is one of the hardest jobs in the world. Mothers cry, endure pain, try, fail, work tirelessly, and above all, they learn. All the struggles and overwhelming emotions of motherhood are dwarfed by the love they feel for their children and the fulfillment that comes from watching them grow into independent adults and parents themselves. Despite the exhaustion, the sleepless nights, the sacrifices, and the countless worries, every mother (and father) would gladly do it all over again—because their children are worth everything. This feeling becomes clearer than ever when people bring their own children into the world and experience the highs and lows of parenting. These are the moments when thoughts of their own parents flood their minds, and they finally understand all the incredible things that were done for them...