It's well known that men and women are different, and one of the main differences is in the way each side expresses affection - while women show affection through words, men tend to do so through actions. This difference creates a significant gap between men and women, and many relationships fail because each side struggles to translate the other’s mentality of affection. So, in order to show that men do express their love, here is a list of 55 things men do to show affection.
If your man loves you, he...
1. Includes you in his future plans.
2. He won’t spend money on luxuries for himself because he thinks it’s too expensive, but he’ll know to buy a luxury item for you on a special occasion.
3. He won’t crash in front of the TV after dinner but will help you clear the dishes.
4. He won’t “force” you to have sex after you’ve told him you’re exhausted from a long day at work.
5. He doesn’t mind you using his computer or phone because he has nothing to hide.
6. He encourages you to do things you love and that make you feel good.
7. When you’re in a bad mood, he’ll try to comfort and cheer you up.
8. He’s willing to go to the store and buy tampons for you when needed.
9. He thinks you’re cute even when you’re dramatic and hysterical.
10. He’s willing to watch romantic movies with you even if he really hates it.
11. If you tell him you feel insecure, he’ll take it seriously and try to change your feelings.
12. He has your pictures on his mobile phone.
13. He feels bad that he works overtime because it takes away from quality time with you.
14. He doesn’t just lie with you, he makes love to you.
15. He holds your hand in public.
16. He says "I love you" often.
17. When you’re without him, you don’t feel lonely.
18. When you’re upset, he really cares why.
19. He returns your calls if he didn’t answer when you called.
20. He doesn’t tease you about your past.
21. When he’s required to go on a business trip or family event, he wants you to join.
22. He remembers everything you said (or at least most of it).
23. He doesn’t let you do all the housework by yourself.
24. When you’re sick, he’ll stroke your head.
25. He thinks you’re beautiful even without makeup.
26. When you argue, he doesn’t hesitate to apologize.
27. When he goes on a long vacation, he includes you in the planning.
28. He gives you compliments.
29. He’s willing to spend his free time fixing things for you or helping you out.
30. When you have a heart-to-heart talk, he’s not afraid to express emotions.
31. He brings you flowers.
32. He shows you his vulnerable side.
33. He remembers your favorite song.
34. He calls you by a pet name.
35. No matter what happens, he’s always on your side.
36. When someone treats you poorly, he’ll defend you.
37. He’s willing to go shopping with you even if he suffers every minute.
38. He surprises you.
39. He’s willing to carry your bag, even if it makes him look silly.
40. Even if things don’t go his way, he remains friendly.
41. He doesn’t yell at you.
42. He compliments you in front of friends or family.
43. When he’s hanging out with friends, he invites you to join.
44. He’ll step out of his comfort zone for you.
45. He looks you in the eye.
46. He always tries his best to keep his promises.
47. He puts your feelings before his own.
48. He never forgets your birthday.
49. He’s willing to share his feelings with you.
50. He hugs you before bed.
51. He kisses you good morning.
52. He always treats you with respect, even during an argument.
53. He doesn’t mind if you ask him about his schedule.
54. When something wonderful happens, you’re the first person he wants to share the news with.
55. He will never let you go.
In the end, every man shows his woman love in his own way, and if there is a loving man who does not meet these criteria, it is likely that he has an even more special way of showing his affection, and his woman is indeed very lucky!
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