Becoming a parent is not easy, and one of the challenges is dealing with a type of people most of us haven't interacted with much in our lives – small children. Their brains sometimes work a little differently than ours, either because they are more naive or because they think they are smarter than their experienced parents, but one thing is certain: we know much more. So how can we use our knowledge as power and learn how to make parenting tasks easier for ourselves? Well, many parents have come up with brilliant and creative methods for dealing with children, and they shared them online through a thread on Reddit. We selected a few we particularly liked and are sure we will use, and perhaps you will too.
1. How to Get a Child to Stop Biting
"When my 4-year-old son wouldn't stop biting other kids in kindergarten, I explained it to him like this: 'This is a kindergarten where we don't bite. If you keep biting, I will have to transfer you to a kindergarten where everyone bites—even the teacher.' He never bit again."

2. How to Get a Child to Like Vegetables
"My mom had a friend who would put vegetables on her own plate but not on her children's plates. When the kids asked why she wasn't giving them any vegetables, she would say, 'This is adult food, but I guess I can let you have a little.' Her kids grew up loving vegetables. Meanwhile, I could sit for three hours staring at cauliflower I refused to eat."
Another trick someone shared: "When I was 4, I hated broccoli. Whenever a guest came to eat at our house, my mom would say, 'You know? Our Caitlin really loves broccoli. It's her favorite food! I think she might be the only kid in the world who loves broccoli—isn't that amazing?' Then the guest would say something like 'Wow, so grown up,' and it worked on me. I kept asking for more broccoli."
3. How to Get Some Rest
"I once read a recommendation from someone who wanted to get some rest—to tell the kids you are going to sleep, and when you wake up, you will all do chores together at home. The kids will let you sleep as long as you want to avoid doing chores, and they will be extra quiet to delay it as much as possible."
4. How to Catch a Child Lying
"My mom used to tell me that she could see I was lying because it was written on my tongue. So of course, if I wasn't telling the truth, she would say, 'Show me your tongue,' and I would refuse to open my mouth. It worked well, and I now use it with my own kids."
Another similar trick someone wrote: "When my daughter was little, I told her that when she lies, a red dot appears on her forehead. I always knew for sure when she was lying because whenever she did, her hand would immediately go up to her forehead to cover the 'dot.'"

5. How to Get Kids to Brush Their Teeth Before Bed
"My dad always told me that brushing my teeth would help me sleep better. Thirteen years later, I couldn't fall asleep before an exam, so I thought maybe I should just brush my teeth. I started brushing, thinking it would make me more tired, and then, in a moment of clarity, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized the trick he had played on me."
6. How to Get Kids to Help with Household Chores
"As soon as they start walking, ask them to help with everything. They will be happy to assist you. When they do something and ask for help, help them. Even when they grow up, they will always be willing to help with family tasks, including cleaning the house."
7. How to Prevent Sibling Fights
"I had three children close in age. At some point, I designated two days a week (except Saturday) for each child, where the answer to every question was 'Whose turn is it today?' Who goes first? Who sits in the front seat? Who takes a bath first? This saved me so many arguments."
8. How to Get a Child to Come Home Without Arguments
"When my child was around 3-4 years old, and it was time to leave the park or pool, I always set clear expectations. Instead of saying 'We’re leaving soon' or 'Five more minutes,' I’d say something like, 'Let's see you jump into the pool—seven more jumps, and we’ll go home.' The number was always at least seven, never less than five. Less than five always led to 'One more,' and I never allowed that. Seven or more seemed big enough that he felt satisfied."
9. How to Calm a Child’s Tantrum
"I'm not a mom, but I am a preschool teacher, and here’s something I learned from Reddit: If a child is having a tantrum, ask them the color of their shoes, shirt, pants, or any clothing they are wearing. This distracts them just enough to prevent them from escalating further because most kids aren’t paying attention to what they put on in the morning. I tried this twice today with a child having a rough day, and it worked instantly."
10. How to Phrase Questions for Kids
"Pay attention to how you phrase questions. Instead of asking, 'Do you want a hot dog for dinner?' ask, 'What do you want on your hot dog?' It doesn’t always work, but in many cases, it does."
11. How to Prevent Whining in Stores
"When your kids see something they want in a store, like a toy or game, and you don’t want to or can’t buy it, tell them you’re adding it to a list. This way, you’ll have a wishlist for future birthdays or special events, and it also helps avoid arguments because you're not outright saying no."
12. How to Get Kids to Clean Up Their Toys
"Buy yourself a robotic vacuum cleaner and warn the kids that it will 'eat' their toys if they don’t pick them up after playing. It works wonders."
13. How to Stop Endless 'Why?' Questions
"Whenever my siblings or I started with endless 'Why?' questions, my mom would respond with, 'Why do you think that is?' Most of the time, this made us stop and think, or at least slow down our questioning. It also taught me the importance of words and how to use them effectively. I always hated when adults answered with 'Because I said so.'"
14. How to Ease a Child’s Frustration
"If they get upset, put them in water. I have a teenage daughter who still uses this trick—she washes her hands or face when she gets frustrated. To be honest, I use it with my husband too. I guess it works for everyone, not just kids."
15. How to Get Kids to Fall Asleep Faster
"Let your baby see you fall asleep. If it’s their bedtime, don’t lie next to them with your phone or a book. They imitate you, so be boring, close your eyes, and stay still. They will learn to do the same."