In The Pursuit of Happiness This is What You Need to Know...
Striving to be happy takes work and requires a change from within, and not from without. Let these quotes inspire you to achieve your happiness.
18 Terrific Quotes to Cultivate Motivation in Life
These beautiful life quotes are just the boost you need to be inspired for the day and feel more confident in your life.
How to Stop the Cycle of Guilt Between Generations
Dear Parents, guilt-tripping your kids can seriously harm your relationship.
15 Photos That Prove Kids Have the Purest Hearts
Sometimes kids can be the most sensitive and kind ones in the room
You Really Need to Read These Brilliant Lao-Tzu Quotes
The ancient wisdom of Lao Tzu is still relevant to this day. Here are a selection of his wonderful quotes.
These Profound Quotes All Remind Us - Life Is Beautiful!
Here are 17 beautiful life quotations that we hope you will cherish just as much as we do.
How to Stop a Crying Baby in Just a Few Seconds
There is nothing worse than a baby that just won't stop crying. Well, thanks to Dr. Hamilton, this problem could now be a thing of the past!
Spot the 9 Signs of Harmful Family Dynamics
Identify the problematic dynamic in your family from the following 9 types, and note that there may be more than one such dynamic present in the
8 Things You’re Doing That Are Spoiling Your Child
The desire to help our children and keep them happy all the time may make them spoiled, so avoid it by following these 8 tips!
Couples Who Stay Together Forever Have 19 Things In Common
Although it looks like everlasting love is but a mere stroke of luck, there are 19 secrets that are shared by all couples that get to experience it...
This Mother's Letter to Her Daughter Touched Me Deeply
There is nothing quite like a mother's love for her daughter, as this heartbreaking letter reveals. Prepare to be moved.
You'll Appreciate Mothers a Lot More After Reading This
This wonderful little tale will remind you of how tough the occupation of motherhood can really be.
21 Super Creative Ideas For Fun Activities With Kids!
You don't have to be young to help children develop with these 21 fun activities. See for yourself and help that little darling grow up strong and happy!
These 11 Phrases Mean the World to Your Adult Kids
Want a better relationship with your adult children? Say these things to them.
This Short Tale Reminds Us of a Person’s True Worth...
A short story that will remind you what a person's true worth is...
30 Important Questions to Ask Your Parent While You Can
30 questions we should all ask our parents while they are still alive to answer.
14 Photos Proving Grandpas Are the Coolest
These grandpas are the definition of cool.
Improve Your Child's Life By Teaching Them These 15 Things
15 important insights about approach, effort, and the importance of choosing friends, and many more essential things that your children should know.
40 Questions We Should Ask Every Child
The next time you have a few free minutes with your kids, ask them some of the following 40 questions and listen to their answers
How to Solve These 5 Common Marital Crises
Sooner or later, each couple undergoes one crisis or another that is inevitable. The good news is that we've put together the ways of dealing with them!
Psychologist Advice: How to Get Your Child to Be Honest
In this guide, we will explain how to approach topic of honesty with your children at every age.
How to Reconnect with Children who Have Left the Nest
very parent must know the effective ways to connect with their older children, not only to provide them support but also be their friend.
10 Worst Things to Say When Talking to Your Grandchildren
In this article, we will look at some of the things you should never say to your grandchildren.
They Taught Us Our Multiplication Tables All Wrong!
Most multiplication tables are designed really badly, so hardly anyone can learn from them. Read on to see what a real times table looks like.
8 Warning Signs in Teens a Parent Should Watch Out For
we've gathered 8 behaviors you should know to fully and correctly assess the state of your children.
How Your Childhood Affects You Throughout Your Life
Learn all about how your childhood affects you as an adult in this brilliant video from the School of Life.
Witness the Love That Fathers Share With Their Daughters
These heartwarming paintings really illustrate the tight bond that fathers share with their daughters.
The Naked Truth Behind Why Men Don't Listen to Women
Have a good look at the 10 biggest reasons why men don't always appear to listen to the women in their lives.
25 Tips for Better Parenthood All Parents Should Know
In this article, we've gathered 25 simple and effective tips to help you become better parents.
How to Enrich and Maintain the Bond with Grandchildren
today we’ll introduce you to some tips to strengthen the relationship between grandchildren and their grandparents.
Heartwarming! The Special Bond Between Mother & Son
These pictures illustrate just how special the bond between a mother and son truly is. Take a look:
Children are Capable of So Much More than We Realize...
After seeing this video, you'll never dismiss kids just because of their age.
Introducing the Tibetan Method of Raising Children
A unique method of raising kids inspired by the Tibetans.
12 Heartwarming Photos Depicting a Grandma's Love
There's no bond quite like that of grandmothers with their grandchildren. These photos by Sujata Setia capture this special energy.
10 Things Your Children Don't Need to Know About You
The following 10 "secrets" are recommended not to be revealed to the children so that you can serve as a positive example for them.
8 Tips for Creating Emotional Security in Relationships
Whether you feel emotionally secure in your relationship or not, it's important that you know the 8 ways that you can create it for you and your partner...
Parenting Life Hacks: 15 Tips to Get Your Kids to Eat
Take note of these useful tips by a noted food expert that will help parents make their children eat better.
Another Good Reason to Put the Phone Aside When With Kids
Extensive research on this topic has consistently shown the importance of giving our undivided attention to our children in order for them to learn and grow.
7 Ways to Inspire Your Children to Do Chores
These tips will help you encourage your children to help out around the house and teach them the importance of teamwork.
No, They Aren't Identical Twins! They're Mother & Daughter
No, they are not identical twins, but mother and daughter! See if you can guess who of the two is the mother and who is the daughter:
7 Daily Habits that Cause Couples to Fights
If you've gotten into the habit of doing the following 7 things, know that they are responsible for 90% of your biggest fights, and you should learn how to curb those reactions.
Important: How to Tell if a Child is Being Bullied!
Know a child who is being bullied or is doing the bullying? Read through this guide.
15 Wonderful Quotes That Perfectly Describe Grandparents
These beautiful quotes and sayings remind us once again how wonderful a role grandparents play in our lives.
Nine Ways Using a Smartphone is Harming Your Child
we have gathered for you the 9 problems that may result from prolonged use of smartphones by your child.
How to Be a Very Good Grandparent: 28 Foolproof Steps
There's plenty of advice out there for parenting, but everyone assumes grandparenting is too simple to be explained - how wrong they are!
The Many Ways Children Benefit From Playing Instruments
Most children are naturally drawn to musical instruments, and once you learn the advantages of playing an instrument you'll be running to get them a guitar!
55 Questions You Can Use to Strengthen a Relationship
These questions can be used to start a light to heavy romantic conversation with your partner.